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  1. D

    Most effective Med Farming base

    After multiple designs and plenty of feedback I have come up with what I think is the most effective farming base in the Medeival Age. (Granted I'm sitting around 500-600 medals). I saw an idea somewhere and I designed a base similar, just with a slight variance. Instead of 5 walls around my...
  2. D

    Alliance wars

    So is this something you guys (Nexon) are considering? I'm not sure if this has been asked or answered before, to my knowledge it's all speculation. Is this in the works for future development? Anyone with credible info feel free to comment
  3. D

    Medieval base

    The picture
  4. D

    Medieval base

    I've had this set up for 2 days now and have only been attacked twice, (I attack a lot so I rarely have a shield) I figure it's solid, but it's complex a little. Any rearranging I should do or does anyone have a more effective layout? I like to have a surplus of resources
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    Medieval D Base

    After considering all the feedback I have come up with Version 3.. Thoughts?
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    Medieval D Base

    Version 2, I figure this one is less appealing to attack given the amount of walls around specific towers, and not just an easy break in, kill everything type of approach when a single wall surrounds the buildings
  7. D

    Medieval D Base

    Medieval Base layout more for defense. General thoughts on it?