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  1. HolyTRINITY

    Leaderboard Alliance and Up and Coming Alliance with at least 9k points Post Here!!

    With alot of Alliances post recently, totally cant keep up with the new Alliances being formed. Screenshot of Alliance should be posted to show Alliance score, and top 5 members.
  2. HolyTRINITY

    Resouces from Fruit trees (Cider) and Gold mines (Metal) should be fixed

    I notice after the patch, the resources drop much less. If this is going to be the case, why not Nexon make it transparent. Make the resources drop at a fix amount... if you want to earn more money from us you can even make it upgradable with usual ridiculous amount of gold or food required...
  3. HolyTRINITY

    "Sparta or Death" Recruiting

    Join our guild where, friendship and fun carries on from one game to another!! Most of us came from PP, CoC, SW, SS... and still maintain competitive accounts on those respective games. Although we have members from different parts of the world, the Alliance chat will be in English. **Updates &...