Search results

  1. Poppu

    [French Elite] La meilleure alliance francophone du classement mondial

    Message à l'attention de Solim et Deuucee. Si vous passez dans le coin, n'hésitez pas à revenir dans l'alliance. Au plaisir,
  2. Poppu

    [French Elite] La meilleure alliance francophone du classement mondial

    Ce joli speech n'est là que pour vous indiquer que de nombreuses places sont disponibles au sein de l'alliance French Elite DN. Rejoignez-nous, ou courrez...
  3. Poppu

    [French Elite] La meilleure alliance francophone du classement mondial

    L'alliance French Elite est morte. Vive l'alliance French Elite DN. L'alliance French Elite regroupait la crème des leaders francophones de DomiNations. Des hommes et des femmes puissants à la tête d'armées d'élite, engrangeant les points et les médailles quotidiennement. Sir Kyl Allaric...
  4. Poppu

    [POLL] What is your nation ?

    Thanks for your participation. 41 leaders have already answered to this poll.
  5. Poppu

    How long French armies are built on training blessing now and before?

    Hi Redgar, I'm a french leader in the Gunpower Age. For your information, I spend almost 15 minutes to produce my army, with : o 8 Chevaliers Garde (Horsemen) o 10 Arquebusiers (bowmen) o 1 Sapeur (wall miner) o 33 Hallebardiers (soldiers) This is a basic training with 3 camps and without any...
  6. Poppu

    What is your nation ?

    Hi leaders, Would you like to participate to a referencement poll ? I would like to know the representation of the different nations on this forum, so if you want, you can indicate yours on the following topic...
  7. Poppu

    What is your nation ?

    Hi leaders, Would you like to participate to a referencement poll ? I would like to know the representation of the different nations on this forum, so if you want, you can indicate yours on the following topic...
  8. Poppu

    What is your nation ?

    Hi Leaders, I try to estimate the representation of the different nations use by the leaders present in this forum. You can indicate your nation in the following topic : Best regards
  9. Poppu

    [POLL] What is your nation ?

    @Moderators : If you think that this topic will be more usefull in another section of this forum, please be free to move it. Thanks.
  10. Poppu

    [POLL] What is your nation ?

    Hi Leaders, If you put an eye on the ranking of the most medal-holder leaders, you will find a lot of them who have choosen the Roman's nation. I would like to estimate by this poll the representation of nations of the leaders who comes on this forum. So, What is your nation ? Thanks for...
  11. Poppu

    New Moderators!

    Welcome to the new moderators . Could you please indicate us which are your various missions on this forum ? (For example:moderate, serve as intermediaries between the users of Dominations and the Nexon's Developpement's teams, give us advice on the game ...) Do you have specific domains to...
  12. Poppu

    NOW LIVE: Industrial Age Update

    Great news, but I'm joining The Prince on his comment. How do we stop planes if we're not in Industrial age ? Maybe our defensive towers can be effective against those new units. We will see. I will be very attentive to th new AI too. In my way, it's the most important thing that need to be...
  13. Poppu

    angkor wat vs versailles

    Hi, Maybe you can find more information on the following topic :
  14. Poppu

    [French Elite] La meilleure alliance francophone du classement mondial

    Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Le monde de Dominations est impitoyable où seuls les meilleurs leaders survivent au chaos des batailles. Mais un leader seul, même expérimenté, ne pourra jamais s’imposer sans une alliance puissante, car le poids de ses alliés lui permettra d’accroitre son potentiel...
  15. Poppu


    Hi Everyone, Maybe I'm not in the right place, but since this morning, I can't launch the game. It tells me that a new upgrade is available and transfert me on the "google apps" website. But I can't download the game again because it detects that I already have it on my phone. Do I have to...