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  1. Vissor

    Back to dominations

    Hello guys. Maybe some remember me, I took a break and didn't played here for about 8 months or so... If you can summarize the changes for the last year, I will be happy to hear about them, I am to lazy to read the forums :))
  2. Vissor

    German rally

    Is there a specific age for the rally to work?? I started a new game with German nation and I still have 30 sec and short rally...
  3. Vissor

    Should training blessing effect air units?

    So what do you think??
  4. Vissor

    What should I believe?? Log file or replay?

    It happens all the time, on the log I lose 4 stars and 9 medals, but on the same attack on me when I watch the replay I lose 2 stars!!! What's going on here???
  5. Vissor

    Best nation for heavy tanks

    Just wondering what nation is most suitable for heavy tanks use. French,Germans or Romans and why? I am going with the Germans, the 15% DPS bonus and rally bonus is really good in my opinion.
  6. Vissor

    Check your servers nexon

    I'm tired of loosing my army all the time.
  7. Vissor

    Unbalanced economy

    As we all know, the game has unbalanced economy. The food marked is overflowed. Oil is very hard to get. I just don't understand why there is no market in this game... It's a very useful and good solution and it should be basic thing in this game! The option to trade resources will probably...
  8. Vissor

    Need confirmation

    Is it possible to have 2 zepplins in industrial age?
  9. Vissor

    390 million's to go

    About 3 million per day...around 4 months and 10 days...and I have level 10 Walls!!
  10. Vissor

    Execution industrial age style

    Wasuppp :)
  11. Vissor

    High medal range VS low medal range

    So,I want to start a little debate here about pro's and con's for different medal range to play in. Until few weeks ago I was playing always at around 400-1000 medals range...I thought that is absolutely useless to play at a higher medal range until I'm not fully maxed out... But recently I...
  12. Vissor

    Layout editor

    Add option to change layout name, from "town1"," town2" and so on...
  13. Vissor


    Oil: Dominations dictionary---Unbalanced, hard to get, impossible to keep resource. I am tired of chasing this resource... Make 2 attacks, take 3k oil. Log off for 2 min, come back, lose 4k.... Why God whyyyyyy.....
  14. Vissor

    Medal lose

    Hello my fellow companions. Just wanted to check with others if they have this issue. It happens already few times with me. Yesterday I went to sleep and I had 1899 medals. When I woke up I've been attacked once during the night, after this attack i lost 12 medals...but in game my medal count...
  15. Vissor

    Defenders from the forest

    What should I upgrade in order to get tanks on my defence from the forest?
  16. Vissor


    Does Kremlin bonus remains after the destruction of the wonder?
  17. Vissor

    My breaking point

    I decided to take a break from the game, I just don't get it anymore. I am tired to see my base demolished every single time no matter how good I build it and defend it. Defence is a joke in this game, I don't get it...the all aspect of the game is to build a strong base, but it's impossible...
  18. Vissor

    Heavy tanks and splash damage

    Does heavy tank has a splash damage on defence?
  19. Vissor

    Air defence vs tower

    How come a machine gun that intended to kill air units is weaker then a tower that shoots wooden arrows at planes...
  20. Vissor

    Army timer

    Add countdown timer at the top of the screen indicating how long is left until your army is ready.