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  1. king_bonio

    Can't Zoom Out

    Hi Drvit, I had that problem when I updated either Dominations or my Android version on my Sony Xperia Z1 phone, my missus has a Samsung Galaxy S5 and she can zoom out to see the entire forest but I can't even zoom out to see my whole base in one screen, pretty irritating.
  2. king_bonio

    Likely cheating - Using 5 dynamites and earning max cash and giving peace treaty

    This guy used 5 dynamites, like 3 on my TC and 2 on my castle, no troops were sent in according to the battle, the logs show that's all was used. None of my buildings were destroyed in the replay. I came out of it with a 12 hour peace treaty and it showed the user had won medals...
  3. king_bonio

    Force Close Glitch

    Definitely get this sorted please, my base relies heavily on traps and them being sprung basically allows anyone to walk all over my base, please sort a "reset" for our bases if this happens.
  4. king_bonio

    A few bugs

    Hi, I've noticed a few niggling bugs in my time playing DomiNations, one of the most infuriating is the AI during a battle, where units will continue attacking a wall when the building behind it has already been destroyed, or just attacking random bits of wall on their own. Another strange...
  5. king_bonio

    Missing building

    Hey Kropeq, I just had a similar issue, after shuffling my base around found that a catapult had gone missing, I had 3/3 listed in my store and only two on my map, it turned out it was on top of another. I know this is a pretty old post, but just in case anyone else gets this.