Alliance activity ideas


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
I'm looking for ideas that I can do with our alliance to kind of spice things up, add some fun to the game while people are waiting for upgrades/resources....

Here are a few I've come up with, but would like to get some more from the group on here.

War Base Challenge
Post your war base and alliance member attack it. The best attack at each age is the winner.

Resource Base Challenge
Same as above, but members can vote on who has the best resource protection base.

Quickest MP 5 star (one week time frame)
Post replays of your fastest MP 5 star win. Quickest time wins.

Best raid
Person with the highest combined loot wins (oil can be it's own category)

Anyone have any other ideas we could do as an alliance to help spice up the game?


Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
I would like to see internal wars become something supported by the game itself. Have two captains and then have them pick 9, 14, 19 players for their team. Yes, technically you could do this with an external chat app and a fair amount of organization. Or by creating a new alliance for one team to go to and hoping you get the head-to-head just right. But it shouldn't be particularly difficult to put such infrastructure in the game.

An option for internal tournaments would be cool too.

Or the most far fetched, a World Cup type setup. 32 players divided into 8 pools. Each player attacks and defends once against each other player in their pool. Usual war tiebreakers apply. Top 8 or 16 from pool play advance to the knockout stage.

All of these things are possible but it would take a ''commissioner/record keeper'' and a lot of buy in.

I would also like an expansion of alliance ranks. Leader, coleader, council is rather limiting. I'd like to see at least twice the amount of ranks honestly.

I'd also like to see war awards. MVP, Best Attacker, Best Defender, Most Improved. Perhaps the devs could devise a formula for them and they'd be automatically calculated or just given at the leader's discretion.

Your warbase challenge idea is a good one and far more practical than any of mine. Since we're throwing ideas out there though.....


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Great idea to share Alliance activities!

Do you have any fun challenges you do with your Alliance?
  • Most unique layout?
  • Suggest-a-motto challenge?
  • World War MVP nominations?
Let's hear yours!


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Watch WW replays and try to guess if the defending player have completed Hold The Gates capstone, or not


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Great ideas Bootney.

We just started our first Inter-Alliance war. This is what we did:

2 captains take turns picking players. (we did 9 each for a total of 10 on each team)
The captain that picked second had his team post all of their war bases in friendly challenge (we did this to help make up for having to pick second)
Everyone on the other team gets 1 attack each.
After all bases have been hit, the other team posts their war bases.

The team with the most stars wins. In the event of a tie, it goes to sudden death, captains duel. They both post war bases again, this time.... No armies allowed.

So far my team really likes it, and it helps keep the game fun.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
We sometimes organize a war with only the low-level players. We call it "The Chicks War". Funny to see that our no1 is a powder. But our chicks are performing very well.

And we give a name to each war that we are playing. It has to do with the ennemy and it must be something that you can eat. Funny discussions...


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Is that a sêxist thing?
But I'm guessing it's chicks as in baby chickens. :D
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Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
One more idea:

Flawless Victory
Challenge everyone in your alliance to post a replay of an attack where they didn't loose a single troop. For this challenge, you can't use mercs, alliance troops or armies.


Approved user
Mar 5, 2018
These are all great suggestions. I wish Nexon offered more in game support for such inter alliance interaction.

king miller

Approved user
May 3, 2016
I am intrigued with the idea of inner wars in an alliance. This could also be done by creating an alliance for such activities. Even between ALLIANCES that have multiple ALLIANCES. Limitless possibilities
I think this concept can be the next best thing in training members. We will deffinately be putting this into motion. Can even be used for grudge matches.

Example, RR GM- Ratpack Reapers Grudge Match ,alliance
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king miller

Approved user
May 3, 2016
As promised, we at Ratpack Reapers have put internal wars one step closer to completion by creating a grudge match alliance. A.O.A.G.M.W. ALLIANCE HAS BEEN ESTABLLISED FOR INTERNAL WARS AND GRUDGE MATCHES WITH OTHER ALLIANCES. AS soon as our war is over, A.O.A.G.M.W. HERE WE COME !!!!!!!!!!!!


Approved user
Dec 20, 2015
We have done something like this to improve donations. We have established a ranking system for the numbers those donate to others. This not only improves donation numbers but it also promotes a friendly competition by members against each other which helps everyone in the alliance in the long run. We also have a dedicated group of leaders who every month vote a member of the month who has contributed the most effort as well as shown outstanding contributions in donating, new ideas etc. This voted member's name is then posted on your website as our member of the month to honor these efforts. Likewise we also have a member of the year which will be voted on later.
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Sometimes I think I want to mess with war opponents by copying our mirrors base, as similar as possible.
Or us create the same war base.
And then since I'm, apparently the only active girl in alliance, I would give virtual kiss to everyone who scores perfectly on enemy's rank 1.


Approved user
Dec 20, 2015
Problem with this scenario well a few actually. First by doing this, you incorporate their weaknesses as well because of any flaws in the layouts of what they have. Secondly if you have weaker upgrades then your mirror you may not have as suitable of an effect as they might in their layouts