BHG...Please fix the Fighters


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
BHG, you either changed the HP of the fighters or there is a bug. Bottom line is many of us have noticed the fighters get killed much faster now. Something is definitely wrong. Also, the Assault tactic is still broken and does not work correctly. The HT’s are also feeling weaker. Many of us suspect that Library and university may not be working correctly either.
You did a second update but why didn’t you Fix these things? Another thing,whyhas no one from BHG communicated with us about all of those cheater rollbacks.
Please fix these things.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
I agree, what annoys me most is the almost comlete lack of communication. Less than 24 hours after they managed to get the game working again (well, sort of working anyway) there was a museum artifact for sale at about 90 dollars including all tiers. How do Nexon expect people to spend that amount of money when we have no clue if the game even gonna work tomorrow?
Im completely aware that Nexon have to make money, but serious, this is just too much, especially just after the game got messed up big time.

Listen to your customers Nexon!

Fix the matchmaking
Fix the game so it is working as intended
Remove the cheaters
The list goes on and on.

The last thing your customers asked for was this 6.7 update

Personally I can live with the P2W even if I hate it but I think the best thing to do is remove the stronghold from wars so you only can buy troops for it in MP. Skill instead of fat wallets should be what determines the outcome of the wars.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Question is, was the nerf on purpose or accident? We know they have been pushing for total troop death every battle to encourage crowning dead troops. I’ve danced this dance before with space ape. Unfortunately it has become a common practice in the gaming industry. On the rollbacks have you seen one personally in game. I can’t find anyone who has seen it. just people who point to the web site which could be owned by nexon for all we know.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
I have noticed lately that aircraft are targeting, but not hitting, targeted troops.