• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Cheater in Disguise


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
I have reported Hank as a cheater in game but they were so quickly dismissed as a replay bug. I know and have experienced replay bugs before, so I would not report it if it was a replay bug. For those that does not know, the replays is a recording of user interaction with the time and place of deployment. What is causing the replay bug is the unpredictable AI of troops, so as far as the time and place of deployment of troops, tactics, and rallys they are accurate and how the AI responds is what cause it to be inaccurate.

I have attached a screenshot of the 2 consecutive attacks of Hank on my base and both replays show him being defeated and all user interactions are exactly the same, but instead he got 5 stars on both occasions. I also attached a screenshot of some of the army compositions of full blown attacks against my base which they never even got 4 stars from my base.

I already know what Nexon thinks about it or pretend to think it is. It am not surprised at all. I am writing this to get some feedback on fellow legit domination players and tell me if the army composition of Hank actually has a chance to 5 star my base. I have arrived at my own conclusion that it is something similar to deploying few archers and guaranteed 5 stars win cheat (obvious cheat), but instead use a bigger army to hide that fact and get away with the known replay bug excuse. What do you guys think?


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Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
ya i dont think he is able to 5 star u with that army actually impossible even if he earned time victory star to get a complete destruction but CS doesn't accept a proof from replays and only accept the battle log result

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Now maybe people will understand my reference to the RED ARMY alliance I made in my reply to Tim Train... They all use the same trick in that alliance. Another one in there is Sss. Same trick for 5 starring with random troops. Impossible on most IA bases.

Cheaters use to do that with one zeppelin. Too obvious. Now they put some realistic army composition. CS sent me a reply that these guys were using crowns to upgrade their account so that's why their army is so strong... I won't share the flow of insults I sent back as that would get me banned from the forum :)

Nexon prefers to be in denial rather than tackling the cheaters problem. Until a point where all users will be so fed up, no one will buy crowns anymore. Then maybe they'll start to care.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
I've noticed since the release of this update the amount of cheaters attacking our bases have increased. In our alliance alone we've had the number of cheating attacks increase substantially. It's one hell of an insult at this point to keep getting that copy and paste message about them taking cheating seriously.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
I play French IA so could build 8 tanks and 55 rifles - there is no way that combination can 5 star your base - I doubt a 1 star victory is possible what with having FC too.

I really wish it was possible, it would open up game play, but that's a suicide squad, a tank version of raiders.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
No Title

I'm having issues uploading pics on forum. But this one is even better. 4 gatlings, 5 stars, 125 medals. Who said 39 was too much? We all know they are cheating. Only CS pretends to be clueless.


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Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Not seen that one before, -125 medals.

And they've just released a whole raft of new bugs with World War.

Presumably none of this crap affects cashflow.


Approved user
May 19, 2015
'Shihab idris'
And many many others, all cheaters in disguise and CS is protecting them.
Android cheat or moded game or whatever.

'Ahmed' join us yesterday, I tried to get some stuff from him (what's the cheat, where did he download to moded game from.. Ect) so I can report it to nexon but he kept he his cover. Kicked him shortly after of course.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
No Title

This game is getting unplayable at the moment. Every other attack is a cheater 5 starring with random units. One commonality I have noticed is the use of demolition? Got attacked today by JOHN WALL. Can't even count the number of times I have reported him before. He's still around. Today he attacked me with 140 artillery. At least the defense log and replay match. So no excuse from CS about visual bug... As it stands, the only people left to play the game will be the cheaters. It'll be my main reason for quitting. There's so much you can handle, especially having to argue with CS about the obvious. And yes the ww update just seens to have opened the gates of cheating to a higher level than before.


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Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
I've been attacked by both Sss and Hank, both 5-starred me. I wouldn't have thought it too unusual (I'm only at the end of Enlightenment Age) until I watched the replay and see that the battles only lasted 30-40 seconds. This is simply not possible for a 5-star victory. I reported them both weeks ago, CS said they would "investigate" but clearly they are still at it. Unless it is something worth 300 crowns I'm not reporting cheaters anymore, waste of f****** time.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
I also have trouble uploading pics. I got attacked yesterday by 28 heavy thanks (and a couple of artillery for the style). CS compensated me with 300 crowns at least.


Approved user
May 13, 2015
Yup, this has happened to me recently as well. Sneaky little pricks.

Lord DodoL

Approved user
Dec 14, 2015
that's happened to me before, he's cheater, no doubt!


and how about this? im losing 37 medals, im very angry with this guy!
before he attack me, my medals are 3509, Nexon..please...it take 3 days to find 37 medals for me!

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Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
If you are trying to upload an image from iPad - a screenie - reduce the file size. There are free apps out there to reduce the file size and image size. The forum software will not accept large files. PNG and Jpegs.


Approved user
Dec 14, 2015
Checking in.
Battle report shows 5 dynamite attacks, plus some units not logically capable of 5-starring me. Replay starts a bit different every time you play, but always ends after some seconds.
Had 4 of such attacks so far, all lost huge amount of medals.


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
You know what, I have reported this type of cheat seven times in cs already, every time cs give me copy paste reply to say they will investigate but limited by privacy and security concern they won't tell me the result. Then the latest time I really really pissed off and used F word in the complaint, then this guy from cs came out and tell me the attacking army is within 135 standing army limits so it is normal, are they acting cute or just idiot?

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Same story here with CS, they've got no idea what they are talking about. I sent them screenshots of 5 starring army using only 1 zeppelin or 4 gatlings. It's not about the maximum number of troops, it's about 5 star wins with any random army. The cheaters know how to cover it up and CS is just clueless. This annoys me even more than the cheaters themselves.


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
I am actually have a theory. I write here hope somebody in bhg will see it.

I guess this cheating is to distort the defenders base layout data before the attck start. As all calculation happens in the client side, this marks it possible to hack the defender base data. The distorting result is to squeeze all buildings into a same location, like a black hole dot which sucks in all buildings in the same spot. That is why the earliest version we have seen is one zeppelins can get 100% win, because it's bomb simply destroyed all buildings in this black hole spot. It also explains why many new cheaters using bomb. Same reason, a few bombs destroy all buildings in that same locations.

But when the replay is shown in our device, our base data is not distorted, so we see a very strange thing that a zeppelins fly over, get destroyed, battle end but the attacker five stars win.

As why recently the cheater mix in some other troops except the bomb tactics, it is purely to cover them from auto detection and bhg cs just can not see any illegal behaviour, they are fully fooled to think it is a discrepancy between attack log and defence log

Do you think I makes sense?


Approved user
May 19, 2015
It's just a mod apk for android (hacked game). All he has to do is "Deploy - quit" and that's it, 5stars even if he used one shooter. Everything else (tactics, heavy troops, zeppelins) is just a cover up to avoid getting banned.
It's old, i've seen someone do it in my alliance about 4 months ago, of course we kicked him when he told us. He eventually joined topdominator and stayed there until he got banned, or quit. Not even sure he's banned .