• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

No war reward!?


Approved user
May 18, 2015
Tell me I'm wrong here, my alliance won its first war, and the only thing I got was 350k gold and food and 2200 oil, which is the amount that was listed on the base I hit...

Is there no actual reward for winning the war? 2 days for 400k?

Wtf. What am I missing??


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
By winning the war you get the honor of winning and you keep the war loot from beating that base. If you had lost the war you would have only gotten 30% of the war loot according to the Faq on the cs tab. That is loot you won for hitting just two bases and nothing was lost on defense. How much loot you won over two days of play depends on how much other attacking you did outside of the world war module in multiplayer while you were waiting for the war to end 😉
Why are so many people hung up on this lasting two days? It would be impossible to do it in less time. This game is being played by people from around the world. My ally played a Denmark based team. There was a delay in play from it. The match was made at about midnight their time so the bulk of our players hit them while they were sleeping. Then the bulk of their players hit us when they woke up and many of us were sleeping then play continued throughout the day as players were available to do so. When playing on a global scale you have to take availability into consideration so one day planning and one day fighting is pretty reasonable. Then you play the regular game while you wait.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Nope you haven't missed anything. The loot is laughable for the amount of time invested that you could grind in the regular game instead. But the majority here thinks it's awesome so let's move on :)


Approved user
Jul 26, 2015
I got 750k gold & food, and 2.5k oil from world war. This was only for 2 attacks, for those two days I got a lot more than that because I was playing multiplayer the entire time.


Approved user
May 19, 2015
Nope you haven't missed anything. The loot is laughable for the amount of time invested that you could grind in the regular game instead. But the majority here thinks it's awesome so let's move on :)
Nah, you're wrong. Everyone thinks ww is awesome. Everyone knows the loot is laughable. 😌


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
I always see people trying to compare this game to COC and how it has so much improving to do to get to that level. Wars came out and it's identical to COC, with a few missing pieces that will no doubt be there eventually, but loot reward is the same as COC. It's worked for the most complete game in the genre for a long time. You can't look at it as the loot I got for two days of work because it won't add up in any game you play, look at it as every two days I get a massive lump reward, as if at that moment I had one big attack. It adds up and it helps, that's my experience in COC...obviously players always prefer more, but this topic really does not warrant complaining because this is an industry standard.


Approved user
May 18, 2015
Don't get me wrong, I had great fun, my alliance beat the crap out of Russia 83 to 34, and I absolutely love the concept, and I'm sure new stuff will be added along the way. Having said that, winning the war should have a big alliance reward,

I would like to see some kind of tax, if you beat someone, you get to collect ex amount of respect for a period of time, say 1 season. That would make it more realistic, and different from other games, if you conquer a nation in real war, you get to reap benefits, it should be the same here


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
The war is actually fun. Alliances are also more enjoyable and collaborative with them going on. Rewards however are a huge let down. Every other game gives you premium currency for winning wars. If they gave crowns, diamonds and mecenary tokens (where you can trade them for mercs) that would add some serious competition to the game. As of now it's simply something else to do.