Worry about it if it becomes a problem.
So far the matchmaking is working well and quite enjoyable using a proper 5* mixed army again. This way should keep maxed out (cheaters or payers) fighting amongst themselves and likewise a group of med/gp players fighting each other. If it was a free for all as your suggestion and we kept getting matched against USA Elite for example or a bunch of classical players, it would be crap again just like current multi-player.
I'm sick and tired of seeing constant maxed out, usually abandoned IA bases where a Smash & Grab on the TC with raiders is the only viable option. BHG had the balls to remove blessings from World War, now they only have to remove tactics and then can balance the basic troop HP/DPS without having to deal with OP tactics. Then copy the matchmaking, army settings back to multi-player and we might have a game, instead of a grind-fest.