Twitch Live Stream


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
Hello everyone,

I strongly erdge anyone who will be watching the live stream to ask questions about their intent on fixing the game. We all know that Tin Soldier will be trying to sell us Troop Tactics the majority of the stream, but please don’t let this distract you from the fact that they KNOW they f***ed up. I’m very curious to know how much players they’ve lost as well as potential revenue, after forcing the rebalance on us. If he evads your question ask again, and again, and again!

Hope to see you out there:)


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
The fact that they are playing as industrial an age mostly unaffected by the unbalance means they know how bad the game is. They obviously are not going to fix it. Talking here is a waste of time.


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
If everyone thought this way, Joe would’ve never had a need to introduce himself. Only together we have the power to Change.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Hi, could you clarify what the sanctions are for cheating? Trying to figure it out, but from my perspective it's to low.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Twitch feed. What’s your opinion

I got sick to my stomach and turned it off after he said players have the most fun trying to figure out the new best troop combination and we as developers do not want to ruin their fun(translation we don’t know and can’t do math even though we claim to be programmers). I have lost all hope. It is obvious these guys are incompetent. They are nothing more then politicians blowing smoke. That may work in a boardroom to keep your job but it means death for dominations. I’m done not even going to post on here anymore.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2018
About 30 people watching it. Looks like most players just don’t care. I was looking for a reason to return to the game but didn’t find it


Approved user
Jul 29, 2015
From what I watched, it’s clear they are actually happy with how the game is now ....they are not going to revisit stuff they have implemented ......totally depressing .
For all the words on the forum this week , there isn’t much behind them , basically it was all smoke and mirrors .

Look at what they are pushing for sale in ththe game today ...that tells me enough to know what I need to .

I couldnt watch for long before realising this ship is sailing on full steam ahead or not !
I ditched watching when Joe left , as there was no need to watch more people who are not allowed to say much blow smoke .

I may try again tomorrow to see if there is anything about new troops, but I’m not really bothered , as most of them will only be different graphics over the usual crap.


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Think the most interesting thing was how few people bothered to tune in. Less and less participation with each twitch. Everyone knows at this stage Nexon ain't for turning, and is driving this game to an early grave.
All they can do is applaud themselves for some inept new troop which gets slaughtered instantly by every German HT they walk into


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
So I watched a little bit, and I saw nothing but failure in their lovely attacks. I bothered watching I think 8, of which 2 managed to fully destroy the base, and 6 were total army wipes. What's worse they were all using mercenaries, 4 troop cards, and troop tactics. Even worse, none of them was an example of a profitable attack even pretending that troop tactics grow on trees.

Each of these attacks, including the two 'victories' would result in a minimum of an hour to retrain, and more like 2.5 for the losses. They were losing around 3000 oil per attack. So this pattern was neither sustainable nor profitable.

TinSoldier BHG_Muet You just showcased almost 2 hours worth of why the improvements you made were nothing but. These were attacks using the new improved barracks troops, heavy tanks, mercenaries, and troop tactics against generally poorly designed bases. Why should we think that the changes to the game have made it more engaging or fun, when even mediocre defenses are completely slaughtering a HT army with troop card support when considering that that very thing is one of the best remaining armies you can even field. Having watched you bleed what would have been over 24,000 oil and 24 troop tactics for maybe 2 million gold and food. This wasn't a demonstration of how fun things would be in wars, or the challenge of figuring out the best way to attack, or even to go resource hunting. All this really showcased is how an army that should have been more than capable of getting 5 stars on a base would fail again and again and again. I admit I didn't even notice if you managed to get the quick victory on either of the two sort of wins.

How do you expect us to play the game regularly if you can't even do so with profligate use of all the rarest resources available.

Black tiger

Approved user
May 20, 2018
Tired of P2W? It’s time to fight back!

Search Class action lawsuit against Nexon BHG on Reddit r/Dominations


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
It was a nice demonstration of how they want Dominations to be. Just talking about the attacks. Not really impressed.


Approved user
Feb 20, 2017
I don't even bother watching that circle jerk of a show seeing as all they do is pat each other on the back and talk about themselves while ignoring player questions. Talk about a cringefest.


Approved user
Jul 29, 2018
I thought it was good that they took time out of their day to talk to the community. I like the rebalance...too easy to 5 Star prior to rebalance. I like the Museum and Stronghold and hope they keep the contents hidden. Makes it more fun that every battle is unique, and that there are unknowns. I don’t want to know every little detail prior to the battle; that would be boring. I hope think they create a new defensive building that launches A10 Warthogs that target HTs. That would be cool!


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
I basically kuju listened and threw up , garbage !
Use your heavv tanks everyone don't bother teytry to be original , hey you can auppsup them with machine gun .....oh wait that's industrial age no silo to deal with because machine guns do so well with a slio strike . I want to see that stay he was playing with work on a 300 defense coalition base he woul not get a star crap cards with crap combo


Approved user
Dec 9, 2015
partial summary of questions posed and answers:
1) any word on a rebalance of nations because the germans seem to be overpowered?
answer: no but maybe we will do something in the future.
2) what are the new strategies we should employ?
answer: we don't want to give too much away because part of the fun is for the players to discover what works in the new meta. but what we have seen as successful are armies with a front line of heavy tanks backed up with machine gunners and with the aid of the first aid tactic. [me: as far as i know, this was not seriously demonstrated on stream especially since only an industrial base was used. also, why this focus on this singular strategy? shouldn't multiple strategies be better? disappointed also that underutilized units like the MRL, etc. wasn't addressed]
3) will the battletimer be changed?
answer: not in the near future.
4) how much hidden info is acceptable when attacking a base?
answer: traps is an example of hidden info done well. we do recognize that museum bonuses need's not fun to beat a base and then get destroyed by a similar base but with different bonuses.
5) where will dominations be in 2 years?
answer: definitely the space age will be finished and maybe some kind of stage after that. would definitely try to slow down the pace in which ages are released.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
The Live streams are borderline boring

While I was happy to read Joe Grubb’s refreshing post, I felt the live stream did very for us other then hearing more from Joe. BHG, I will be honest. Your live streams should be dropped. They borderline being boring and often unorganized. What was the purpose of today’s live stream? We heard nothing about cheaters and why BHG has allowed many notorious cheaters to keep playing.We see the same alliances cheating over and over again. Also, I have a key question. Do any of your BHG employees have account level 250 or higher? Next time bring that player to the stream. Play in the high levels. Feel what high level players feel. I simple got bored with today’s stream and left. What exactly was the purpose of this stream? I recommend more questions and answer postings from you in on the forum. It’s much more informative and not boring.
This is just my personal opinions. Others may gain from your streams. Today’s stream was a waste of time other then meeting and hearing more from Joe. Please consider addressing the cheater thing. Stop avoiding talking to us about it. You are the ones who are allowing some obvious cheating going on because you have already be contacted by players for the same cheaters and cheating alliances. Over and over and over.
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