Recent content by Garrett Haines

  1. G


    [Edit to original Post] I was imprecise in my characterization of King Crimson's comment. One of KC's main points was seasoned players have less and less need for replays. That doesn't mean 'no value' as I originally claimed. Please ignore that part of my original post. I still disagree...
  2. G

    How do library and musuem boosts etc apply to alliance troops donated

    I'm 90% sure that the bonuses do not travel with your troops, rather they receive whatever bonus the recipient has for a given unit. I've tried testing this (about six months ago). That's what I found.
  3. G

    War attacks not showing up

    No Title Not only are attacks/stars NOT showing up, the game is taking the attack away from you. So you have one screen saying no attack used and the map screen saying you're out of attacks. This is nasty!
  4. G

    World War FAQ: Matchmaking

    They don't have enough players in wars to make matches work. CHANGE MY MIND!
  5. G

    World War FAQ: Matchmaking

    Nothing makes this game more addicting than participating in a war where one side wins by a small amount. NOTHING makes people quit this game more than the mis-matches that are going on in 2019. We just hit a team where the top 10 had THREE level 60 generals each! Our #1 player just hit...
  6. G

    Better MM for world war

    Either there is a massive flaw in the matchmaking algorithm, or there are no people playing the game. My alliance has been paired against others that are vastly more powerful (Bases with 3 or 4 level-60 generals!) for weeks and weeks. Most of our group is Global or lower. Sometimes we can't even...
  7. G

    Temporary solution for those who can’t download the game from AppStore

    The only way I was able to download for my iPAD was to go into my account (App Store) and look up purchased applications. DomiNations was there. That allowed me to re-download. I think it goes without saying that DomiNations failing to appear in App Store sure is a bad situation if you want...
  8. G

    Temporary solution for those who can’t download the game from AppStore

    Just want to reiterate that I the App Store does not list DomiNations for iPAD as of 18 January 2019. I hope this is resolved soon.