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  1. P

    Big rant about progressing in Dominations

    In my opinion it's an enourmous effort everytime, which will force you to extreme no-life and play for hours on end or spend a lot of money just to progress in the game. Most people keep lowering their medals and searching for dormant bases to speed this process a little, but this is because the...
  2. P

    Big rant about progressing in Dominations

    He is right! A lot of the games I play, the passive resources are enough to do most of the upgrades. Progressing in the game shouldn't be hard, even for the casual player who plays 30m-1h per day. What should be hard is of course climbing the medal ladder, which should be only for the hardcore...
  3. P

    Big rant about progressing in Dominations

    Easiest way? It seems like the only way. Plus I think I'm struggling more then you, so it's a longer and more boring process. I'm atomic age and all opponent bases are global age or above, so less dormant bases or bases with resource buildings outside walls. I also don't think this is a good...
  4. P

    Big rant about progressing in Dominations

    I'm really wondering how you guys manage it then, how many hours/day are you playing this game? Suppose I gain 100k food per attack, which for me is a good amount considering troop losses and tactics to rebuild. This means I have to do 90 attacks to gain 9M, how?
  5. P

    Big rant about progressing in Dominations

    Progressing in Dominations is extreme no life farming and takes way too long. Also progressing in ages doesn't help you get faster resources at all and still upgrading buildings and units has become extremely expensive. In my opinion the designers have to give some love to the casuals players...
  6. P

    Here is what I love about the force quit fix

    I dno what currency u using, but in euros 600 crowns is around 6 euro.
  7. P

    Need Help (Blacksmith troop upgrade)

    Personally I would go raider first, because i'm doing the low medal raider strategy, which still gives me most loot/hour. But you really need only riflemen -> artillery -> tank, rest are less useful.
  8. P

    Air units weaknesses?

    Well it seems the factory isn't useless anymore at lvl 4 at least! Damn that zookas DMG!
  9. P

    2 Blacksmiths for Global Age makes sense

    The biggest problem is not the time, but the amount of loot, my armory spends most of time doing nothing, cuz I can't afford any upgrade. They really need to increase the passive food/gold income by a LOT!
  10. P

    Playing DomiNations on a desktop.

    I also liked to play on bluestacks and just use a screen recorder, i was ready to buy €20 crowns and make a new video about the global age, but it still doesn't work for me. :(
  11. P

    Food for walls is urgent! Like if you agree :)

    I can't get enough of any loot!, you sure need to be online a damn long time (or use crowns) to acquire 6 or 7M, whether it's food or gold. The problem really is that the passive loot farms/caravans income is too low, it should be 2x higher at least, also the bases to loot become a bit more...
  12. P

    New Update and Bluestacks

    I'm curious how your game works at all in bluestacks, mine just get 2 sec loading screen and then quits.
  13. P

    Update 3.8

    I hope for an update so the game can work on bluestacks again for my video's.
  14. P

    Pick just one unit, which is in serious need of improvement to make the unit usable

    I chose the heavy infantry, because it's the most obvious. But I don't use the whole factory, the heavy tank might be a bit useful, but the machinegunner and the commando need some love.
  15. P

    how to balance the infantry and the game

    Hey, less and less people are using the heavy infantry, the combination of rifles and artillery seems the way to go, with some support of tanks or healing trucks. The heavy infantry needs a BUFF, before it had more range, but this is not the solution, because people will start using mass heavy...
  16. P

    NEW EVENT leaked: French consulate, details inside

    It's probably the pathfinder unit, I've had them once already during the christmas event.
  17. P

    Useless mercenaries

    The mercenary camp is seriously filled with useless mercenary's. While the raiders have been buffed from 3x to 4x damage, the merc raiders haven't which makes them kinda useless. The enlighment age merc archer does LESS damage then the medieval age one, this should as well be fixed. The heavy...
  18. P

    Global Age

    No, give new players time to catch up! While i'm industrial age and nearing maxed offence, a ton of my defences are only gunpowder age.
  19. P


    same here baby, i'm crying with you, just wanted to make a video :(