Search results

  1. D

    Perfection == Defeat?

    Dear DomiNations representatives and community, I know that this is beating a dead horse at this point, but I felt it necessary to post yet another example of achieving perfection in War, only to be subject to the whims of the > 100% glitch. As others have posted, losing ~1000 Glory points...
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    Does the Korean nation also get +1 Coalition capacity?

    Dear DomiNations community and representatives, I have seen a Korean nation player in War who has a total of 4 Coalitions (2 offensive and 2 defensive). I have zipped my Embassy to Level 5, and, as British, my Coalition capacity is 3. When I look at the description for Koreans, I only see...
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    Getting "error retrieving target player data" during War.

    Dear DomiNations community, During War, on some specific bases, we are seeing increasing incidences of the following error (see attached screenshot): "There was an error retrieving target player data." And our attack on that base is lost. From our experience, the base has already been...
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    Blatantly cheating alliance.

    Dear DomiNations representatives and community, Yesterday, my alliance (United Allies™) initiated a 35v35 war search. We were matched with an alliance that originally called itself "台灣蛋營養老皮愛". As we scouted the players, we were astonished to discover that their top 30 out of 35 players were...
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    Android pans when tapping?

    Dear DomiNations representatives and community, I recently obtained a Samsung Galaxy Note 5, and I eagerly ported my account (previously played on an iPhone 6s Plus). I've noticed something strange with the Android implementation of the game: when tapping (ground, units, buildings, etc.), the...
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    Top alliances taking a stand against cheating alliances.

    Dear DomiNations representatives and community, Recently, if you've reviewed the Alliance Leaderboard, you may have noticed that the top alliances are speaking out against cheating alliances (see attached). Cheaters negatively influence game balance, particularly as it relates to Alliance Wars...
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    DomiNations on BlueStacks, and pinch/zoom gestures?

    Dear DomiNations community, I am running DomiNations on BlueStacks on a Windows PC with a mouse. I'm wondering if there are any tweaks that I need to do to the configuration to better support DomiNations? The Control +/- feature doesn't work, nor does the Control Wheelmouse. If anyone has...
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    Any recourse against cheaters in Alliance War?

    Dear DomiNations community, Today, my alliance (United Allies™) got matched with Taiwan Elite in a 30v30 War. As our members were scouting the opponent, we were alarmed to discover a number of obvious cheaters (see attached screenshots). The exploits seem to range from excess troop capacity...
  9. D

    More cheaters.

    This Demolition exploit/cheat is getting out of hand. It's also able to be employed in War, skewing the results. :-( Both of these users have been reported to the in-game Customer Support previously. But I also know that both of these users continue to cheat. Are there no repercussions?
  10. D

    Attacked by 50 Heavy Tanks.

    This isn't the first time, either. Or the 10th time... Why is there no server-side validation for troop configuration? This seems like such a trivial thing to detect and mitigate. Please, for the love of God...fix this! (Edited for clarity.)
  11. D

    Problems logging in after Alliance War completed.

    Dear Forum representatives, My alliance just completed a round of the Alliance Wars. However, after the War completed, those that participated in the War cannot log back into the game. We all just appear to hang during the loading screen. I couldn't submit a support ticket through your...
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    Got attacked by 76 tanks.

    <sigh> It's bad enough that people exit multiplayer games when defeat is imminent (and the corresponding loss of alliance troops, resources, currency, and sprung traps). But this takes the cake. 76 tanks? There's no validation on the server for this kind of thing?
  13. D

    BUG: Opponent forcibly exiting match does not yield in defender rewards.

    Hello Nexon representatives! I was hoping that the latest update would have fixed a long-standing issue with multiplayer battles: If an opponent initiates a battle, and they feel that losing is imminent, they will force quit. This results in *no* medals to the defender, which is my absolute...