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  1. Jarl Valkyron

    Dominicanos Esta reclutando Jugadores activos!

    Hola a todos, nuestra Alianza Dominicanos esta reclutando todo tipo de jugadores de lengua española colombianos, mexicanos, españoles, dominicanos (:cool:) y todos los que compartan nuestro dulce idioma son bienvenidos sin importar la era en la que se encuentren. Siempre y cuando todos nos...
  2. Jarl Valkyron

    I can't be the only one that finds this unreasonable (forest clearing)

    I was doing some catch up on my forest clearing since til this point it was an after thought. However, it finally caught up to me and my base layouts effectiveness has lowered due to how compact my base is, and overall ive ran out of space to attempt to do better ones. So here i was halting some...
  3. Jarl Valkyron

    Patch 5.5 is a HUGE ISSUE

    Lets prefix the topic this way. While we somehow can work around the twisted logic for the stronghold change making them spawn all the troops after destruction is an idea straight out of the jokers brain. What would have been a better change? reduce the defense amount (if you so badly were...
  4. Jarl Valkyron

    Idea: Introduce reporting system for sandbagging

    Okay this is kind of an old subject. However, til this day my alliance and i guess many others are plagued by sandbagging alliances. These alliances continue to gain the matchmaking system by throwing it off with incredible low accounts while staking super strong ones. just now our alliance got...
  5. Jarl Valkyron

    Napoleon false range

    As of recently i've been using napoleon a lot more as i assumed him safe with his range and high damage i could clean up left overs while attacking. While using him i've noticed some weird quirks. For instance one might think that with his range of 5 units when placed behind a wall with...