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  1. Sir Pizzuoff

    Inexplicable loss of alliance XP...

    Global Union, among other teams (Ohio Players is another), have lost all of our AXP suddenly for no reason. We were halfway through lvl 6 and were reset to lvl 1 out of the blue. This was weeks ago. Multiple players have sent multiple tickets to CS in the meantime. We've gotten back to lvl 4 by...
  2. Sir Pizzuoff

    Bug in Nexon forum settings...

    Nb4powerup What's up, Nb? Just to give you a heads up: theres a bug that prevents me from being able to link a website to a URL in my post signature. If I highlight the URL and click the link button in the editor, the window will open, but it wont let me put the cursor in the box to paste the...
  3. Sir Pizzuoff

    Global Union is Now Recruiting Active Players!

    Global Union is cordially inviting enthusiastic (EA+) team players who like to communicate and work together and war with us! Active and skilled players from all over the world are welcome in this cohesive and well organized alliance! We are founded by a group of down to earth, helpful, and...
  4. Sir Pizzuoff

    Hidden Daggers Event

    Does anyone know what the rewards will be for the Hidden Daggers event, or where to find out?
  5. Sir Pizzuoff

    Upgrading embassy with active coalitions

    Does anyone know if upgrading an embassy while coalitions are active will cancel them?