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  1. W

    New building: Trading Post (replaces Marco Polo stand)

    This would be a great addition to the game, if it could work.
  2. W

    Traveling Merchant

    I have even said that to my alliance mates. I do not think the gold and food would be such a good idea, but to trade some trade goods would be awesome. Something like ten cider for one marble.
  3. W

    Gifting of resources.

    That takes away from the challenge of the game. It is much more fun to have to actually work*cough cough loot* for what you get.
  4. W

    Marco Polo

    This made my evening.
  5. W

    Sea Battle

    That has potential. I would want to be British, kehehe. It would be a huge update and would likely be buggy for a while, but if it worked out I heard it from you first.