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  1. V

    Will we ever be able to buy legandaries again?

    You people are just sad and pathetic….lol
  2. V

    Matchmaking worst than ever

    Maybe you guys should have stayed at Atomic then…lol. Stop whining, and start improving. Or learn it’s just a game and not worth the frustration…or the spending.
  3. V

    Matchmaking worst than ever

    Who said anything about edged bases? Last war I took out a 283 digital. and you’re one of the biggest whiners around here, so…
  4. V

    Matchmaking worst than ever

    I think you’ve most likely been whining and complaining all the way along. Poor, poor you…lol
  5. V

    Matchmaking worst than ever

    Whining and complaining is worse than ever. That’s why no one bothers to come to the forums anymore. duck it up and get some skill and maybe the matchmaking won’t matter so much. I’m an Atomic and regularly fave CWA, SA, and even a few DA bases. Guess what? I usually beat them. Stop...
  6. V

    Battles Appropriateness

    Higher medals gives you better league rewards, but comes with an obvious increase in difficulty. Sounds like some players want the best rewards, but none of the risk. That makes it a fun game for you??? Really??
  7. V

    Suggestion for War Search

    It takes long because there aren’t many alliances who choose to fight 30v30 wars. Or the ones that do aren’t close to the same lineup composition as your alliance. It’s not a developer issue...
  8. V

    Stupid matchmaking horror

    Get better at attacking, and you won’t have to worry about it. No all matchups that look unfair actually are. Our alliance comes out on top often when it seems initially like we shouldn’t have a chance. we don’t pay. We just develop skill.
  9. V

    Museum War Artifacts Benefits

    Why not just COMMUNICATE with your fellow alliance members who are in the war and ASK them???
  10. V

    Stronghold should be nerfed

    Donating TTs to lower bases in war is a legit strategy. Yes, it makes it not very fun for lower bases to attack, but that’s the point. Force the higher bases to attack down for those stars. Nerfing them would kill that strategy. and anything that might prevent players from using TTs is never...
  11. V

    Honest advice needed

    The museum is vital to being a good attacker (and defender) in war. But you don’t have to wait until you’re SA to take advantage of it. Looting gets you lots of fragments. Them just spend a lot of time crafting and selling in the museum. It will pay off for you long before you reach SA. unless...
  12. V

    Game being shut down for good soon???

    I report every cheater I come across. But I play the game for enjoyment. Being pretty good at it is a byproduct of that. Maybe try it sometime!
  13. V

    Game being shut down for good soon???

    No, they are just trying to force out whining players like you. I really don’t understand why people keep playing if you think the game is so horrible, much less find the time to post repeatedly on a message board about it!
  14. V

    Honest advice needed

    Good advice here. All I will add is that moving up in age will NOT make you a more skilled attacker. In fact, moving up in age may prevent you from growing in your skill. There are no quick fixes in this game. WW is completely different from multiplayer, as you are finding out. It takes time...
  15. V

    Please put an end to the trollgramming in regards to NTG's.

    Let's see...we want to be able to keep high medals, have easy bases to farm, and not only be guaranteed NTGs, but the specific NTGs we want as well. Sounds perfectly rational...
  16. V

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Our most recent war. 20v20. Us: 2 DA, 1 CW, 2 AA, 6 GA, 4 IA, 1 EA, and 4 GP Opponent: 2 DA, 4 SA, 3 CW, 4 AA, 2 GA, 1 IA, 1 GP, 4 MA Severely outmatched up top, but we still won, 96-93.
  17. V

    The game is out of balance worse than ever.

    Learn how to play and attack better.
  18. V

    Event goal “collect food from fruit trees”?

    Bet you have max food in your storage, right? If your storage is full, you can't "collect" it. I have the same issue. Only option for me is to waste blueprints upgrading in my museum to use some food, and that ain't gonna happen...
  19. V

    Combat Rebalance Stage Two Patch Notes

    Are any of you who are complaining any good at attacking, or have you just bought your wins in the past? So the game requires a little more skill now...big deal. If you put as much time into learning how to attack as you do complaining....