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  1. N

    A second refinery

    We really need a second refinery... it would be a great addition to the game why? Because I stop playing when my oil is full.... I would think BHG/Nexon would want us playing more, but I could be wrong, maybe they don’t want us playing?
  2. N

    A couple Top Notch players wanted

    Seeking a couple top notch players to join us. seasoned alliance, perk 15, win rate 89%, currently ranked 94 we are an older team, we don’t do drama, and don’t negative chat. we do joke around a lot, we have fun....definitely no PC police lol Wanted AA, CWA, SA, DA... below AA can join too...
  3. N

    Top alliance seeks cwa/sa/da

    We war back to back, win rate of 90%! Come check us out, see if we jell we’ll together!****Razors****
  4. N

    A game should be fun!

    First and foremost, a game should be fun! there a things about this game that everybody hates! They should be eliminated or adjusted so they are fun. 1. cheaters are not fun, we applaud bhg for finally taking action on this... keep going, more needs to be done. 2. porcelain.... I spent 1 hour...
  5. N

    What this game needs

    First, my new strategy for my newly minted IA base is to stay close to 200 medals and loot GA hacked citizen bases for the 3600 domination bonus. every 15th base or so is hacked! While I appreciate the free oil, that’s really depressing that there are so many hacked bases. Cheating in wars sucks...
  6. N

    Crash base

    Interested to know what everybody thinks the definition of a “crash base” is?
  7. N


    We all know their is cheating, and cheating is ramped! There are 3 kinds of cheating .... 1. Cheating the game makers by base improvements 2. Cheating in MP to get qv and rss 3. Cheating in war The first 2 are bothersome, and I think most people don’t like them, but can live with them. The...