Search results

  1. B

    Instant hunting?

    I've wondered why prospecting from Gold Mines and harvesting from Fruit Trees begins right away, but when hunting animals, you have to wait for the citizens to get within range of the animal. I'd like to see hunting take the same approach as Gold Mines and Fruit Trees in that citizens don't have...
  2. B

    5 years of Dominations

    Linking the post about the upcoming 5 years of Dominations "event" with exclusive sales for those that might not have seen it.... Really can't wait to be offered the opportunity to purchase a limited edition legendary artifact for $500 that gives 1% more blueprints when I sell museum items, or...
  3. B

    "Spying" on allies

    With the new feature of being able to spy on war opponents, I'd love to see the same feature cross over to alliance members. To prevent exploiting this during times of war (for people who haven't researched it yet) put a condition that you have to have been in the alliance for 7 days before that...
  4. B

    World War scouting

    It would be great if there was an attack button after scouting an opponent in World Wars (rather than having to go back to the war map, then clicking on Attack). Not a deal breaker but would save a couple steps.