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  1. J

    XP and world war

    On the website of DomiNations, it says "xp and levels count for world war". But positions in a war are based on xp in defensive buildings. If we gain a lot of XP with non-defensive buildings, will it add weight in world war, or not ?
  2. J

    Added visual indicator of free fights with advertisings

    In this information bar, I think it would be very appreciated to have an icon indicating the number of fights available, with advertisements which allow you to reform the troops. In this information bar, I think it would be very appreciated to have an icon opening an attack / defense table...
  3. J

    main & war rooms, in museum and council

    Please, are main room bonuses, some museum and council, applied during world wars? Or the main room bonuses are valid only for multi player and team challenges ? As is the case for university, general bonuses are valid during wars...
  4. J

    Challenge by 2 players

    It would be fun and would bring a touch of freshness, to be able to launch another type of challenge between players, so that the player who takes it up could fight together, our own 2 villages side by side, with a heavenly background. or chaotic. Or that a large village equivalent to 2 villages...
  5. J

    Marco Polo Calendar

    The month-to-month calendar is really pleasant, but I think I'm not the only player who would have liked visibility of artifacts over 3 months or even 6 months... over 6 months it shouldn't be easy to program on your side, but at least month over 3 months would be appreciated. What would be...
  6. J

    Visual indicator free fights with advertising

    it would be beneficial and pleasant for all players to have a visual indicator of the number of fights available with reformation via advertisements, displayed at the top of the screen between the number of workers and the nickname perhaps... it would really be nice of you to consider it, thank...