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  1. M

    Romans or French : Best Nation for Global Age ?

    With the appearance of 2 new ground troops (bazookas and mortars) as well as the improvement of the Factory troops (Speed of Heavy Tank and power of Gatling), do you think that it's time to change the classic troop formation ? The classic formation (Tank, Truck, Artillery and Riflemen) is still...
  2. M

    UPDATE 12/17: 3.0.152

    Any information regarding what does this iOS update fix ?
  3. M

    List of all new and old bugs + players requests

    Hey guys we can use this thread to regroup in one post all the unsolved bugs and the best requested improvements. Please do not hesitate to post the bugs/improvements that don't appear in this list and I'll add them in the first post. With the hope that @DomiNationVigiles will show this to the...
  4. M

    The Looting Strategy Thread

    Hey guys, Since I moved to the gunpowder age, I find it difficult to find people with a good amount of ressources (more than 100k). When I was in the classical and medieval age these kind of bases were common but now what I found the most are bases with 20k gold and 20k food. I tried to drop...
  5. M

    Daily Playing Time To Keep Progressing ?

    Hey guys, I'm currently in the gunpowder age, and I simply can't save enough ressources to do the troops upgrades (3 million food), or the defensive buildings upgrades. I have a life, I work and I'm married, so I can't spend hours daily playing this game. I love this game but it's just...
  6. M

    The most efficient way to use crowns ?

    Is it better to use crowns to speed up troop training or to finish an upgrade already in progress or to fulfil the required ressources to upgrade something ? Which one do you think will cost less crowns and give a better value ?
  7. M

    Best troops combination (Medieval upwards)

    Hey Guys, I used to play with a soldier+archer combo until the medieval age and it worked pretty well, I could save all the archers and a large part of the soldiers after every battle. But I think this combo has some limits once you're facing lvl50+ players. Even if I loot many ressources, I...