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  1. T

    wonderful update, was so excited

    now instead of every base being 127 max walls max generals, it's 165 or something like that with buildings I can't even recognize. all i know is they 1 shot my enlightenment age french horses. and then the easy 5 star attacks with planes tanks, IA cannons IA healers and double level 30 generals...
  2. T

    Medals change?

    starting to see more people that give more than 1 medal... but some people are -38 medals for a loss and people can raid MUCH more medals from me now
  3. T

    game crashes when I unleash mercenary camp?

    this happened twice already, when I use my merc camp and start winning, the game crashes and I lost entire army + everything when I relog
  4. T

    getting destroyed by double lvl20 generals

    everytime that castle lights up with a level 20 napoleon and a level 20 nobunaga, i just get completely wrecked. lately they seem to be ignoring my knights and killing my gatlings directly. what do you guys do against these beasts of war?
  5. T

    Gatling gun whiffing attacks

    I've found that gatling guns sometimes shoot into the air in the general direction of their targets, but none of the bullets are hitting. I can't explain it any other way, other than... a thing being shot at should be taking damage, but its health bar does not even show (so it's not being...
  6. T

    people getting billions of crowns

    they log in with billions of crowns... so now hackers are just giving random people crowns further diluting the game. half my alliance is maxed out now, meanwhile i just spent twenty bucks on crowns for a nation change lol i sure feel dumb
  7. T

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    As stated in the title, I noticed the Versailles slowing aura still works after you destroy it? Is this just my belief or are other people seeing this too? I blew up a Versailles and rallied elsewhere, but my guys looked really really slow. I haven't built a GP wonder yet, should I be going for...