• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

10 second hack attacks in mp unresolved by Nexon


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Black tiger
Sounds like the usual ‘legalise’ they put in the TOS, but reality might be quite different.
Remember the .99c crown debacle? I don’t recall Nexon ever taking back those crowns that were legally purchased.

Black tiger

Approved user
May 20, 2018
Even renting is too strong a word as that implies a set term.

Could you imagine renting an apartment and then finding out that the landlord all the while planned to install a pay-toilet in the bathroom after you’d fully settled in? In the real world this would not stand. Alas the digital frontier remains uncivilized for now.
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Approved user
Dec 21, 2016
Did TinSoldier actually DO anything - or was it just blablabla from him and all NEXON Stuff is ROTFL about us players ?

I mean TinSoldier you DID TELL to look it up and do something!
So explain to US, WHAT have you done at all?


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
As usual cheating is something that will be addressed in the future....like really distant future.....see what we are not being told and why nothing is being done in war cheating and in multiplayer cheating is that , since it has gone on for over 2 years now there is probably about 50-70% of all accounts started in 2017-2019 using cheats alll the time and probably 40-50% of the accounts started before 2016 .this is around 40% of the total player base ....they can't do anything or the game ends ....due to lack of action only three choices for them
1 they continue to do nothing to old hacks no retroactive punishment and maybe just maybe take steps against new hacks which I have seen no evidence of anything being done to anyone.
2 they can ban all that have used cheats leaving the game without a player base that is suitable to get investment and probably lose sponsor ads also teams would fall apart as many would lose multiple people so then of those 30-50% would also just quit and within 1 year and the prices of the game going to the point no one spends the game ends
3 they take no action and nothing changes this is the more likely event lose downloads get new ones lose more ger more


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Whether they ban or no, they should at least close the existing cheats.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
Just got 5* by cwa base called Never Die with 62 valiant infantries. Like clockwork,Gameowner gave me my usual 300 crowns and from cheater, a long peace treaty. Wasn't particularly active because I'm maxing all my generals and waiting out the time. I used to crown my upgrades but not these days even though I've 54k crowns still. If I speed up the process,I'll have nothing else to do when all my generals are lvl 69. Like I said earlier,I'm good with the compensation given by the Gameowner but I would suggest permanently banning bases that uses hacks and cheats. Banning them for a definite period will not deter them because they normally binge cheat/raid and upgrade after they're done for the day. They'll not be active again until their builts have completed their upgrading. So,they don't mind being banned at all. After the ban period they'll wake up and repeat and rinse. Btw,I hear archive have been successfully hacked recently. So,Gameowner,go do the necessary. Declare war on the cheaters by banning them permanently and save your(our)game.
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