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Aceman’s Beginners Guide to Dominations - Get to Gunpowder Age in a breeze


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Ur only slowing down ur own progress by maxing out before going to next age. U really really need to get to EA asap trust me on this. Once u get to EA and max out ur offense ur defense can catch up. When u log off someone will take ur gold anyways. The only thing a strong defense does is increase how many players will steal part of ur gold before u finally get peace treaty. The only people that benefit from defense wins is medal hunters. Players that are still building their city are hurt by successful defense

Fabio Corleone

New member
Aug 13, 2015
Great guide, Aceman. I come from 2 years COC (th10 maxed except for walls) and I agree with everything you say. I started 3 days ago with Dominations and I will follow some of your tips. Thanks!!

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
How do the various comments differ now IA is available?

While I agree with rushing to EA to get the training blessing, what is the optimum point to upgrade to IA?


Approved user
Jul 18, 2015
How do the various comments differ now IA is available?

While I agree with rushing to EA to get the training blessing, what is the optimum point to upgrade to IA?

As usual, once your offense is fully upgraded. Start the upgrade to IA and during the wait, upgrade your defense.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
IA offense will raid more effectively increasing ur gold/hr. 15 more troop space, stronger units, more tactics, new library research, flame tank mercenaries, bigger alliance gate, zeppelins(they use their own troop space?). Defense can catch up later

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
That's the theory I'm working to - there are some of my current defences that haven't fired a shot in weeks.

The slow part is armory upgrades, they just take so bloody long, especially for troops & tactics I don't currently use - but may have to switch to them at any time due to a future nerfy update. Don't really want to just get to IA and find raiders are useless and I've still got GP bombards because I didn't do the cannon upgrade.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
I dont try to max out blacksmith before going to next age. I do what i can. Mostly just the unit upgrades, whatever tactics im favoring. My generals are lvl1 and 5 in industrial age


Approved user
Jun 2, 2015
I haven’t been here on the forum for a while. Have no access to a new ipad anymore, and Domi crashes too often on my mini iPad to make it worthwhile. So I parked my base for the time being.
But I have been thinking a lot about this rushing to EA vs maxing base, which has become the main topic in the thread. As I wrote in the OP, this is also much discussed on the COC forum, and the arguments are similar (although training blessing is available at all levels in COC, at the cost of crowns/gems). The clashers that advocate rushing your townhall are usually very active AND skilled players, who can play efficiently and for long stretches, and use much of the gathered loot for an upgrade before logging off. Those are the folk who think in gold per hour – rightfully so!

Of course the majority of the player base are not like that. The majority are kids with a short attention span, or casual players, or people who also play a few other games, or people with only little spare time on their hands etc.
Then again, those players would probably not come to this forum for advice, and read a starter’s guide…


OK.. rush your base to EA if you know you are skilled at these type of games, and you intend to play Domi rather intensely.
If you want to pick up your tablet every now and then for a few raids, or if you are struggling for loot already in Classical: max your base (except walls) before proceeding to the next Age

I have modified the OP to reflect the thoughts in this thread. Thanks all.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Sometimes i play for long stretches of time. Sometimes i play for an hour before bed. Whichever it may be. Max offense is the right answer. Which also means rushing ages whil maxing offense and anything thats loosely related to offense(trade good, resource storage capacity). Defense resource losses are tiny


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
with peace treaty glitch where ur attacked. Assuming ur maxed out on gold storage. And u spread ur gold out so that hitting all gold storage = 15 hr peace treaty. Ur looking at 2 attacks a day at 300k gold a pop for a total of 600k gold lost a day. A maxed out offense is making 6-8mil an hour for me. So 1 mil every 10 minutes. So all day 600k gold lost is 5 minutes of playtime. While waiting on town center to upgrade. And waiting for industrial release i have upgraded my defense somewhat. In reality i lose about 200k gold a day i use the padlock blessing. My tc is undefended so half the attcks pop my tc and leave or die with their poorly planned attacks.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
So to summarize. Half the attacks on me pop tc and take no gold. A quarter go full attack on me but only take 1 or 2 gold storage. And a quarter attacks wipe me out. Using padlock blessing my average loss per day when maxed out storage is 200k gold.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
If u built no walls or defensive structures at all. Ur max losses for the day would be 675k gold(2 attacks giving 15hr peace treaty + 1 glitched pt attack x 300k gold lost - padlock blessing). So anyone losses should be between the maximum of 675k and the minimum of 200k for moderately upgraded defenses. So i decide how much that much lost gold is worth. Then ask urself why ur not earning 6m per hour like u should be.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
I didnt include maxed out defense bases. Because their gold losses go up. They no longer defend resources having no use for them

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
A couple of problems for the 6m/hour spring to mind

I'm not French, so have to wait 3-4 mins for army rebuild
I'm not at 2700+ medals yet to get decent league bonus, which slows down battle time having to "Next" to a worthwhile base and then take as much as possible.

But then again, I don't care about walls, so don't need 6m per hour so only play 3 x 30 mins a day. Still constrained by lack of available workers.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
These days I say rushing is the best strategy. With jackets still out there focusing on defense isn't viable.


Apr 9, 2015
It depends on what your current goals are. I don't see ANY game changer in IA like training blessing in EA which can boost your loot 2-3 times. If you want to get like total max loot possible at higher medals with nice league rewards, you need IA attack. Basically, I suggest to move to IA when you start lvl10 walls, as simple as that. It will make your sessions shorter if you want to get 1 peice of wall in 1 game session.


Apr 9, 2015
I was semi-rushing to EA and IA, but I will try new approach now. I am going to upgrade what takes less time to build besides farms. In terms of IA atack I will upgrade barracks and and units of course. But I don't see how 1 extra tactics or new mercs/blessings may increase my loot speed now. Aircrafts are fun, but it is a luxury, not a game changer from what I see from replays. Walls will become significantly cheaper with time like in CoC, so new players may catch up.


Approved user
Jun 2, 2015
Redgar said:
Walls will become significantly cheaper with time like in CoC, so new players may catch up.
Second time I read about walls in CoC having become cheaper. This has never happened (with the exception of level 1 walls). What happened is that upgrading to the three most expensive wall levels (9 - 11) can now be done with both gold and elixer (food). Level 7 and 8 is where many players already struggle, so no change for them.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Still though. If any of our walls can be upgraded with food which usually i have maxed out at all times. Which people defend the least. And which is usually the larger of the 2 lootable resources in storage that would make them effectively cheaper


Apr 9, 2015
TB is the most powerful feature in the game which they gave for free actually and it should be appreciated, especially by french lol ))), so rush till getting it is a must. It may increase your loot speed/fun 2,3,5 times... All other features bring you 1-5% to your loot speed may be. Hi League reward is probably beating them all too. So skipping daily upgrades in favour of weekly upgrades may be wrong if total maximization of your loot is not your goal. In fact, max loot will only give you better walls with very small advantage in fact, mostly decorative at high levels. Getting your defense 'in better shape' faster be more important than IA wonder, mercs, extra-tactics, gates, goods, temple, etc. Especially if you're not at highest leagues.