Active warriors is looking for serious players ready to be apart of a top alliance


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
We are invite only so we are looking for Atomic age with Atomic defense and dedicated players. We have 4 spots open i can make 6/7 if needed. Active Warriors is a majority of members that were leaders and co leaders of many great alliances We are currently averaging mid 70-80s in ranking on top 100 for a few months, we are a Level 8 alliance now we need more Atomic Players to Join so we can break that top 50 and above barrier. Only active players can be Active Warriors. We are all very serious about rising to the top to the point we took the best from our alliances and made a foundation for something special. We have players from all over the world with different insights and tactics that gives us a unique advantage. we use the groupme app for chat, scouting and player and base development. We completely break down every base we face and our own to make sure we have a competitive advantage and we use strong hold.
If you have a obligation ,as we know life is first, just opt out and check in when you can . If you fail on a attack just learn from it ask questions and strive to be the best you can be and we will all help you grow. We all donate the best available troops as well no wait to be filled and can request specific to your stlye of play.
im a retired US Army Major so I know a thing or two about war and tactics that directly apply to the game.
Council seats and possible co leadership are available ask if your interested or message me. Feel free to drop in at active warriors with the axe Crest. Hope to see you soon. We are looking for players who want to be a part of something big , so please if you interested please be committed and always looking to make a top team better than ever .


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Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
We are up to 27 now well on the way to 50 after just 4 days keep on coming to newest challenger of the leader board , well almost we need you


Approved user
Jul 19, 2016
Incredible growth - strong team - come be apart of the Active Warriors Team!

Zen Whisper

Approved user
Aug 16, 2016
How often do you use the Groupme to chat? I just joined the alliance and was wondering how I'd find you using the chat. I've never used it before. Thanks