Jolly the Wise

Approved user
Oct 12, 2015
Our alliance grew out of one where the leadership became inert and we left to set up one which would be active. We've been going for quite a few months now and place a strong emphasis on donating, so that wait times are usually from zero to two minutes max. We also expect players to chat, in English only, by sharing game play tactics, experience and strategy. Basically we help one another.

We have around 10,000 medals and an entry requirement of 800. We have grown organically in the past but seem to attract lower level players with less experience and/or who do not understand our donate and chat culture. This is becoming a problem as although we kick out inactive players weekly, they are often replaced by others who don't "get it". So we are using this forum for the first time to attract players with the following characteristics:

- Experience. You have been playing this or similar games for long enough to know how to play well and don't mind sharing your learning.
- Involvement: You enjoy being in an alliance where people expect you to donate whenever you can and do the same for you.
- You can chat well in english both for fun and for sharing gameplay

If the above is you and you want to join us search for the ELITE DOMINATOR alliance. Vacancies occur on Mondays usually and occasionally on other days. Feel free to contact me here if we're currently full (@47) and you want to join.