• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

An event for borjan ironside manuals


Approved user
Nov 4, 2017
Dear BHG dev,this is a request to you guys to start a event that is obviously paid to get ironside manuals that is atleast 30 to 40 manuals per event as if they are no other way to get iron side manuals in game we can only buy them or have to spend crowns in stores so please make a better way to get them,as I am not asking for you to give them us to free but just make them affordable either by expeditions or 5 star win against higher age players or by make an event that we can get them and crown and other general tactic troops in that event but make atleast we get 30 to 40 ironside mannual,so atleast players are enthusiastic to buy it and play for ironside, AS THE current way to get it is just money and it's not so luring as we have to buy it and there is no point to do it to buy iron side mannulas with that much crowns.