Are all troops weaker and stupider now after update?

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
so I'm an experienced German global player, very good at looting, usually with minimal troop losses but since the update I've become terrible!
-ranged shooters: I use roughly 30 of them, prior to update I lost one or two per battle, now I'm losing between 15-30 of them every time.
- fighter planes: My planes have lost their Versailles buff (10 or 11%) but they are dropping like flies now when prior to the update they all went through a battle fairly well unharmed (they are now 50% damaged after one strafing run)
- infantry: I've tried different amounts of them in desperation but no matter how many I have they all die, every time.
I have upped my supply carts to 3 to help with healing, to no avail.
Even hitting rushed IA bases I am now losing nearly half my army - I haven't changed tactics, strategies, nothing. But overnight I literally can't raid to save myself. My troops have also got dumber, every battle at least 2 or 3 times a portion of my army destroy a wall right next to an opening instead of rallying through it.
I thought it was just me but three of my alliance members have found exactly the same thing since the update.
Has this happened to anyone else? Have the stats for attack or defence been changed since the update?


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
I have found exactly the opposite. With the heal buff, troops survive better. Planes HP got nerfed but 10% HP surely does not equate to 50% plane health loss. As for losing troops, maybe that has to do with coalitions in world war? The benefits from level 1 is reduced and you need higher level coalitions to compensate.
It can also have to do with higher medal count as when you climb higher, you lose more troops raiding.

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
I've definitely noticed an increase in airplane vulnerability, much greater than 10%. I had to rebuild my planes on several occasions yesterday which rarely happened before.

As for the rest? Idk, they seem as dumb as ever. Cannons prioritizing mills and wandering away from coverage to shoot them. Shooters locking on to buildings and getting killed by the very defenders they should be killing. Supply trucks being the first to a rally point and getting killed. You know, the usual AI follies that they haven't ever acknowledged are issues.

I've gotten to the point where I do about 80% of my raids with 140 foot soldiers. Can I take out well-designed bases with them? No. But it's remarkable how many enlightenment, industrial, and global bases can be swarmed by basic infantry. Heck of a lot quicker to rebuild too if the worst happens.
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Approved user
Dec 30, 2016
I have the same problem
Shooters going in range of cannons, redoubts (even tho I'm british)
The only thing that works kinda better is arty, as shooters more often die to protect them, so they survive longer


Approved user
Dec 30, 2016
I guess that nexon changed some algorithms for infantry and shooters, cause it really feels bad

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
I'm finding wars ok still but I think that's because I have 6 tactics that's lock up most of the troop killing buildings, its multiplayer attacks where I don't use tactics (or at least I didn't need to before the update) where I'm really struggling!
And you're right, a 10% health drop in planes shouldn't equate to the damage my planes are getting, but it does. before the update I never concerned myself with anti-air defence because the damage they did to my planes was negligible, but now when I fly over them I have to watch as their health bar starts draining

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Thanks NB4. Is it possible they nerfed the redoubt's effective area of damage slightly? That's actually where I seem to be noticing the biggest change - prior to the update my ranged shooters took minor damage taking them down, now they're almost dead doing the same thing. It feels like redoubts are significantly more powerful now


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
I've definitely noticed an increase in airplane vulnerability, much greater than 10%. I had to rebuild my planes on several occasions yesterday which rarely happened before.

As for the rest? Idk, they seem as dumb as ever. Cannons prioritizing mills and wandering away from coverage to shoot them. Shooters locking on to buildings and getting killed by the very defenders they should be killing. Supply trucks being the first to a rally point and getting killed. You know, the usual AI follies that they haven't ever acknowledged are issues.

I've gotten to the point where I do about 80% of my raids with 140 foot soldiers. Can I take out well-designed bases with them? No. But it's remarkable how many enlightenment, industrial, and global bases can be swarmed by basic infantry. Heck of a lot quicker to rebuild too if the worst happens.
Shooters are so inconsistent, in my experience - one time, they'll easily stop targeting a building to destroy whatever foot troops are on their tail, or even attacking a completely different troop (like a random fusilier or one of my healers), but others, they ignore the same defenders whom they're intended to be used against. I frequently have rogue pikemen harassing my cannons - without supply trains, I think I would have lost all my cannons in several cases. Once, I even had to rally onto a phalanx so that my archers would get the pressure off the other troops.


Approved user
Apr 20, 2016
Planes might have 10% less hp, but with about -200/300/400 hp less they start really feeling it when they get shot at by towers, especially when those towers have attack damage up. Hopefully Amelia Earhart comes out soon for uni and has hp buffs for the planes cause I'm feeling the pain on those towers.

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
I'm now too scared to attack atomics coz I'll 100% guaranteed lose all my troops! Even attacking rushed IA bases with all their traps sprung I'm certain to lose half my shooters and a Howie or two.
It honestly feels like my troops have regressed back to EA strength overnight. Super frustrating!!


Approved user
Jun 25, 2016
Planes are definetely a lot weaker, also I noticed that loading when "searching for opponent" lasts a lot longer than before update, and after the battle also..


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
No Title

and how about that AI?? I did not forced any rally at all. They all just started to shoot at evey peace of wall..


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Approved user
Jun 24, 2016
I can second shooters getting stuck on buildings while getting beat up from defenders. Another thing I am experiencing are cannons deciding to shoot a nearby target(just out of range) by traveling around walls bypassing towers or other defensive buildings and getting killed on their way to the target. And yes, I also agree that it seems more frequent wall penetration in multiple spots even though troops are effectively grouped together enough. I also see more and more frequently healers not traveling to a rally point at all, instead they watch everyone run to it. (usually on short distant rally points like seiging a wall) However I have not seen healers just plain out not healing in some time, that's a benefit.

All in all, i too am struggling in multiplayer more-so than usual. But I have also hit an all-time high in medals and am due to drop some medals here now.

i struggle to get the resource for upgrades, so much resources, many multiplayer battles, and getting attacked multiple times for 400k resources sucks so bad.


Approved user
Aug 31, 2015
They've definitely gotten more stupid. After rallying to spot on other side of wall to rush TC they tried going through the wall in four different sections even though they were bunched together before the rally. After one of the groups got through I dropped donated troops right in front of the hole and the donated troops started attacking the wall section RIGHT NEXT TO the hole. Turned 5* victory into 3* since majority my shooters and donated troops were busy shooting different sections of walls instead of defending my howitzers.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
You may be facing bsses that have radar completed along with max university chapters.
My thoughts exactly.
As for questionable troop Al, speaking as someone who's been playing for about 16 mths, l can tell you current AI issues are old issues.