Army Composition Presets


Approved user
Jan 12, 2016
Perhaps this wouldn't be too difficult to implement, but would speed up game play?

If, when you've trained an army composition the way you like it, when you go to the barracks screen, there could be a 'Save Current Army' button and it could save it in one of 3 save slots. So, you could preset different army configurations and when you want to select from say a raiding army, combat army, and a war army, you could choose from those configurations.

Also, again a minor request, but just looking to try and remove the tedious aspects of the game, can you balance the time on the barracks troop build times a little better? Whenever you hit 'Retrain' on an army, you have to go back through and try and balance out the times so you don't have one barracks finishing in 50 minutes, another in 40 and another in 30. Maybe it's an optimization problem that at large scales can lead to a lot of computation, but there's gotta be an efficient algorithm out there. :)
