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Barracks Update thoughts. (Response to complainers)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
@Armitage we have a new guy at our alliance that plays APCs, mortars, artillery troop combo with transports and was able to kill all our defenders with minimal effort and NO legendary artifacts equipped cause he sold all!!!! When I saw him smash my base with such ease, I was like WTF!!??? Armitage was right after all rofl

You are on the right track mate!


Mar 5, 2022
@Armitage we have a new guy at our alliance that plays APCs, mortars, artillery troop combo with transports and was able to kill all our defenders with minimal effort and NO legendary artifacts equipped cause he sold all!!!! When I saw him smash my base with such ease, I was like WTF!!??? Armitage was right after all rofl

You are on the right track mate!
I am so excited to hear about someone else using a combo like this. I would love it even more if people tried out more troop combos that I know work, and combos that I had no idea could work, and came back with ideas to make them even better. Really start getting the troop diversity out there and not just keeping it to ourselves. Haven't thought to try out Artillery, but that's because I went all in on the Infantry, and I always felt they would leave the siege lagging behind.

It can go toes up pretty quick, but if you know what to look out for and keep on top of it, it's a great offense. Let your guy know to keep an eye out for Sniper Towers upgraded to Space and beyond. I have a sizable reduction to tower damage, so I don't notice it, but it players without it might fare differently. I took a swing at an IA not too long ago, those fully upgraded Snipers just popped them like water balloons, reduction included.

The best part, this isn't likely to get nerfed. No one section of this or any of the others I outlined over in the Tactics & Strategies sub-forum are a super troop. Each troop on its own just faceplants. They need a combined strategy between Barracks, Factory and Airfield to make them work. But the bonus of doing so, aside from enjoyment, is that Barracks troops are rarely debuffed like the usual HT/Sab/RPG/etc.

Each Nation finally has a legitimate reason to run their Unique Units, playing to those unit's strengths and hitting bases from oblique angles.
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
The best part is that anyone can make a solid museum with ANY the following artifacts found for free or cheap:
or can buy with tokens the following:

Give more priority to damage modifiers for mortars / heavy infantry / artillery
If your WW equip artifacts are great then use 4 and the Hermitage slot can be used for an extra weapon artifact!


Mar 5, 2022
Dang, I just might have to throw some Artillery in my mix. Missed out on the Vespa last month, got a double dose of the Bas-relief, but I did pick up Davinci's Machine Gun. Gonna have to wait a a little bit, though, mine are back at Global.

I'm not surprised at the power of Artillery, with the right mix, they can do this:

Global: 7 Howitzers, 33 Submachine Guns, 2 Mk2 Bombers
Atomic: 4 Mk6 Strike Fighters, 10 Heavy Field Mortar
No TTs, tactics, mercs, or generals used. MP raid.
Mortar Towers are the thing to watch out for in that mix. They take out the Ranged, which cascades down the line. Also, probably would have had an easier time if my Bombers weren't so far behind. They just get so chewed up doing this, most of the work is put on the ground army.

Going back to the APCs; health-wise on the Infantry, you want just enough that the APCs aren't working constantly to redeploy more than 2 at a time, if at all for a few seconds once they fill up. Roman with a small 20% boost is working well for me on that regards. I know most feelings on the new councillor feature run neutral to negative, but a War Cleo is another great addition with an attack speed boost.

I'm a little ambivalent on the Norden Bomb Sight. I really want one to try it out, but question it's effectiveness. I do think that the death deployment would be great for tying up troops to keep them from moving onto the other APCs, but beyond that, I think a better suited artifact would be a DPS/HP modifier. Someone with experience with the Norden can hopefully weigh in
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
I have norden and can test it in the near future.
The guy that made the video says that first and foremost you want damage modifiers with that combo. HP is of minor importance.
Also, he hasnt got any legendary artifacts. He sold all to fund his new barracks troop combo artifacts. So his museum is mediocre....


Mar 5, 2022
I have norden and can test it in the near future.
The guy that made the video says that first and foremost you want damage modifiers with that combo. HP is of minor importance.
Also, he hasnt got any legendary artifacts. He sold all to fund his new barracks troop combo artifacts. So his museum is mediocre....
Completely agree about the damage modifiers. I've got 60% in MP and 40% in WW, with room to grow in the war museum. The Bas-relief is really all I need for HP, but my HP artifacts do give a boost to HI, Mortars and Paras. While they do replenish, I don't like them operating below a certain point.

I switched from German to Roman for the extra health shortly before the update, might switch back at some point. The extra 20% DPS plus Teutonic Fury would be a nice bonus. Probably in Space Age when I can get the Sun Tzu research to make up for the lost troops.

Also, watching that replay makes me think I might be better served with Protects instead of Betrayals. That would let the HI tank at least a hit from an HT, triggering the defense response. Should be enough to tie them up for a Mortar team and/or Fighters to take care of it. It would also offer a bit more flexibility on the field.
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Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
That’s impressive, but mate, we both know tha it’s only the half part. We need to know both sides museum AND a similar hit against a 3D base. Coalitions aren’t active in fc.

Overall, if talking about troop combos, there are some dominant ones compared with the ones used in the video.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
You are correct. I can provide all info @Theoneandonly
Attacker has a medium museum with buffs around 30-35% for the core troops (mortars, artillery) and no legendary artifacts equipped.
-82aedtd ,

Defender is me and i dont have premium legendary artifacts (norden, shirt, avrocar):
ADTD 72%
ADTH 76%
DST 107%
Inv General dmg/hp -52/-66
Inv Fighter dmg/hp -34/-68
Inv HT dmg/hp -40/-44
Coalitions do not work in FCs. That is correct. With coalitions, this troop combo works even better due to Mongols.
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Active member
Aug 6, 2021
hey, I like your flexibility. Yes exactly, attack helicopters arent the only fun barrack troop out there. I liked the heavy cavalry but the nerf made them two shot troops again. Which is sad. I liked your apc/mortar combo. It sounds interesting. I haven't tried it yet. I will though, I play as the romans so more troops to bring. My museum is set towards ranged siege. But I am not satisfied with what I use. If you find any good strategy with ranged siege and healers. Do share


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Skyfall gave me this vid. Obviously the replay is not 100% exact but you get the general idea. Attacker museum is as above. Defender museum is shown on the vid.

@Armitage @Theoneandonly



Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
No doubt, it is impressive. Its all about range (of howitzers and field mortars) plus skilled execution. Not sure which war tactics he used. Interesting point: bricks troops look like moving faster though bastions as eg HT, probably I will test this.


Mar 5, 2022
hey, I like your flexibility. Yes exactly, attack helicopters arent the only fun barrack troop out there. I liked the heavy cavalry but the nerf made them two shot troops again. Which is sad. I liked your apc/mortar combo. It sounds interesting. I haven't tried it yet. I will though, I play as the romans so more troops to bring. My museum is set towards ranged siege. But I am not satisfied with what I use. If you find any good strategy with ranged siege and healers. Do share
Mix mortars into the offense, with a little bit of Ranged. Mortars and Ranged have issues clearing buildings fast enough to proactively attack defenders, which the Siege clears up. Keeping some healers on hand will keep the Ranged alive longer, which prevents the cascade effect to Mortars and Siege.

If you run British, that range starts at 5.5, which allows for greater exploitation of the defensive building range quirks. Buildings do have the range they say, but only on the 4 cardinal faces of the building. As it approaches the corner of the building, it lessens to a point where ranged units are able to attack without reciprocation. That is their greatest strength.