Best End Game Nation - Germans or British?


Approved user
May 1, 2017
I was looking at the top players worldwide and out of the top 24 players - 11 of them are Germans and 8 of them are British - obviously this is no coincidence, both of these nations are offensive powerhouses.

I am currently level 178 IA French but will be going to Global next week during the winter rush event. I am a member of Dominion Legion and we are an active warring alliance. While the French are probably the best nation for resource raiding due to the faster training times coupled with the training blessing I feel that they lack the offensive punch that Germans and British have when it comes to getting five stars in war against tough opponents.

I have enough crowns for a revolution and I am planning on switching to one of these nations. I want this to be the last revolution that I make because of the cost of crowns and the amount of time needed to save them so I am thinking long term - end game.

Some of my late Atomic Age and new CWA alliance members say later on you don’t rely as much on barracks shooters and tanks as much and the troop compositions are more Factory oriented such as APC/Bazookas or other combos. This leads me to believe Germans would be the best choice due to their 15% damage boost being applied to ALL troops - including factory troops, mercenaries, aircraft, and troop cards.

Im looking for advice from late Atomic and CWA players who play as either of these nations and preferably players who have played as both or possibly have multiple accounts and currently play one of each. Which nation is best for five starring tough opponents in war?


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
I've played both; started with German, switched to British, and I'm back with German. British is more "point and release" while Germans require more control. Rally has become dangerous with the advent of MS but the 15% bonus is very nice and, IIRC, APC's will spawn my special unit, which can really chew through things. British line attack is still useful against MS and the loot bonus is nice. I'm sticking with Germany.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
Wow, i really thought this discussion would take off and get a lot more responses.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
They're 2 different playing styles, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. I play Germans. When our clan is in war, the game assigns me #2 slot. Our #1 guy is British. We're both Atomic, we're both similar although my offensive researches are probably a bit ahead. He plays the traditional all-archers style. In wars, I can take down harder opponents than he can, but my army is a lot more expensive. Watching his replays, I'm often impressed by how powerful the archers are. He can pulverize most troops and towers. His only real enemies are mortars and the missile silo (which he usually takes down by sabotaging it twice before his archers get to it). I would say the main differences are as follows:

- army lineup favors archer
- cheap/quick to retrain army
- army uses no oil (except planes)
- requires you to be more aware of mortars + missile silo

- army lineup favors APC
- can take down tougher opponents
- army uses about 3-6k oil
- requires more micro-management

I like Germans, they suit my play style. However, most top players prefer British instead. I'm actually surprised you're seeing a ratio this even between top players. If you keep looking further down the list, you'll probably see about twice as many British as Germans. At least this was my experience when I did similar research about 6 months ago.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
Thanks for your input. I only looked at the top of the leaderboard to see who the top guys used. I like the idea of not using 3k oil on my army. If it is relatively close in ability to five star tough atomic and higher opponents using British i may choose them just for the oil savings. I really just want to reliably five star opponents in war with the least amount of effort.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
I look at the top ranked players occasionally and never thought British as the best end game. It has always been dominated by Germans. I also felt you picking 24 was arbitrary so I just did a break down of the top 50 and this is what I saw:

German: 19
French: 13
British: 11
Other: 7

Based on player rankings, German is best end game without question. Some days I'll see top 10 and 8 of them will be German. The 15% boost and faster rally is a significant advantage. More so with the addition of the Silo.


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
Why exactly does top 50 = best nation for sure?

Not everyone tries going as high in medals as they can, some people don't care past a certain point, etc., might be better to look at the composition of top alliances.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Persia is right, your analysis is just as arbitrary, and the statement that German nation is the best without question is unfounded. Take a look at the composition of top alliances (it's the tab next to the top players tab), and you will notice the players to be predominantly British. Moreover, we'e been matched against these players and I can tell you exactly how they attack in wars (at least prior to the silo): demolition tactic on each mortar, then Blietzkrieg tactic, then archer spam. What makes their archers so powerful? Because they outrange all of your defenses except mortars, which they just took out with demolition. And they all attack like clones, using the same technique. The only thing that has changed since addition of the Missile Silo is they deploy their tank destroyers in opposite corner instead of next to their army.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
My conclusion has hard facts and not just personal opinion. Even if you look at top 100 the Germans lead by a lot. And being in top 100 is extremely hard as you have to constantly win against very difficult bases. And it is obvious why People pick German because the offensive advantages are huge. 15% dmg boost for entire team coupled with shorter rally time.

British is also a top tier nation so don’t think I’m ignoring them. They just not German and I bet many of the Germans were originally British and switched to the best end game nation.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
the more troop cards you use, the better Germans get. if you dont use any, British.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Typical British army composition is all archers, so they technically enjoy the same +15% damage bonus across the board (and +1 range). You're right that with a balanced army, Germans are stronger. But British players don't use a balanced army.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
There is a reason that the great majority of top 100 pick German. It is not an accident. When you factor in all benefits and play styles (even unbalanced teams) the Germans come out way ahead as end game nation. The statistical difference is too great to not give Germans their due title.

This does not mean I think Germans should be nerfed though because there are many other factors to consider. For example, China is great early on with the extra citizen. British gives economic bonus when growing.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Read pkcrn's post below. Top 100 players pay for troop cards, that's the reason. You'll see the trend inverted if you look at the top alliance composition like Persia suggested. And French don't really compete with Brits, they're just good for quick army retrain. The fact that you see French as number 2 in those numbers is a hint that this metric is flawed. The British economic bonus isn't as much of a factor as you think, it's really the archer range and being able to shoot over walls (most of your buildings have very low HP, it's really the walls that delay the attacker).


Approved user
Oct 31, 2015
With the too-many-troops-donation “bugs” out there, don’t underestimate the French donation limit bonus.


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
The more troop cards anyone uses the better. I don’t think it matters what nation you are in the end it’s how you use the troops you got. Skill wins the game not the nation you pick. Each nation has their own perks. It’s how you use those perks that makes the difference


Approved user
Dec 26, 2017
Currently I’m Greek in IA and considered switching to Brits, but I’ve never been a fan of the shooter line attack - cavalry was always my thing - and if you go Brit it’s all about the line attack. Some Brits would disagree and profess to using a mixed army but I think they’re outliers. Certainly to realize the British power fully you need to overwhelmingly favor shooters in your army combo. Not that there’s anything wrong with that per se, I just like playing with mixed arms now. I get range from siege units and like the flexibility of varying my approach as new units are released and rebalanced. Switching nations isn’t a top priority for me right now but if I switched nations for offensive power it would be Germans 100%.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
Melheor, that is wrong. It is because of 15% dmg boost for entire army and 5s faster rally. Have you seen an Atomic German hit when they have the 15% bonus on? The base melts. Some buildings go down in one shot. And that is without cards. You are way underestimating how strong German is on offense. They get TWO inherent offensive bonuses that you dismiss as nothing.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I am AA and still playing the Greeks. I have no interest in changing but if I had, I'd choose the British or the French.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
It’s a hard decision but i was leaning towards Germans before and i think after the comments so far i am still leaning towards Germans. I like the idea of the base just melting like Necksahn explains.


Approved user
Oct 9, 2017
To be clear, I’m talking end game Atomic with most of a persons offense finished. If you still need a lot of resources, British has a nice Econ bonus and still solid offensively.