Best Nation Selection Tips to Discuss


Apr 9, 2015
Since it’s not possible to change your nation, I decided to come up with some tips for new players, so may be they make smarter choices which will improve their game experience. Arguing is welcome. ;)
I am a little bit of game designer by myself, so I decided to base my review based on your planned money spend in the game and not just ‘playstyle’, because I haven’t seen such analysis before.
First of all, we should all agree that the game is awesome, and developers deserve a little tip or even a couple of yachts, so if you’re looking for a mobile game to invest - this is the perfect choice, which will give you a lot of fun during many months or even years.
The first layer is people who may afford investing any amount of money into the game, therefore resource-bonus nations are definitely not for them. They can buy those resources and waiting time.
So the best options for them would be nations having attacking advantages, since medals and rating is probably what those players will look for. Therefore, Rome and Germany are the first nations to consider here, because Rome has the biggest army giving you more brood-force attacking power, while Germany gives you better control of your army what may even become more important on later phases of the game. Germany is definitelly an option for starcraft/dota pro-players (just kidding ;)
At other hand, if you like aesthetical joy and less ranking oriented game, getting additional endorphine from defensive wins - Japan is a great option too.
The second layer is the people who are ready to spend let’s say limited monthly budget in the game. Those players should definitely consider France, since paying for shortening army building time is not the best money investment strategy. Japan fits almost any layer, so it is also an option to consider.
And the last layer is for players who are going to play for free (the most of them actually) or pay very little. So, definitelly China, Greece and Britain are the main options here, because they may increase your gaming experience during upgrading process a lot.
I would suggest Britain, e.g. for a non-paying player who still wants to achieve the highest possible results in ranking. This nation really simplifies the most difficult part of collecting huge numbers of resources, what perhaps is the most difficult thing in progressing without money spend. I would suggest China and Greece for people who just trying out the game, new to this clashing game genre, so they want to get some easy going progress at the start or just keep certain balance.
If it comes to personal nations ranking, I would put Japan at the first place for its versatility and beautiful art and sometimes I regret that I picked Britain instead. Great unique unit and more defensive wins are awesome too.
Unlike others, I put Britain at the second place, because imo it provides the most efficient way to grow your nation for the biggest group of players improving game game experience for them. Also, long-bow may look much worse than bushi or vandal at the beginning, but even in the mid-game mass longbows give you constant wins and they may give you very efficient tactical advantage in the late game too.
And the third one in my ranking is Germans who can increase your combat tactics what should matter a lot in the late game, plus they just deliver you more fun if you enjoy combats more than city building.
Thank you for your attention, I hope you find this helpful. Comments are appreciated. ;)