Better use for victory chest - temporary workers

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Long time reader, first time poster here.
Whilst I like the implementation of the victory chest as it encourages and rewards active gameplay and gives (OK) rewards, I feel there is a much better use for it that would help solve the HUGE ongoing complaint of a lack of available workers (particularly now with the university and dock.) I think that, after gaining X number of stars in the victory chest, players should get access to X number of temporary workers rather than resources. Afterall historically the most significant resource taken from successful wars has been a captured workforce.
The temporary workers should sit in your victory chest until you are ready to use them and then they can be used once - build something, research something, go on an expedition, whatever, then they are gone for good, until you earn more of them.
I think that these temporary workers (I am hesitant to call them 'slaves' or 'prisoners of war') would continue to reward the thousands of active loyal players out there that enjoy attacking and looting but cannot afford to spend $1,000's on crowns. I also think that new features like the dock and university would get used significantly more by a lot more players because they would actually have the workers to do so. I for one and never going to use that dock whilst I have 9 months worth of Global age buildings to worry about first.
I get that Nexon is a business and wants people to spend money, which I do, but it is really shortsighted to keep adding 'citizen focused' aspects of gameplay when only a handful of Level 198 whales will actually use them. I think that temporary workers would help keep a lot of mid level spenders (like myself) interested in the game...


Approved user
Sep 30, 2016
Or perhaps we could bring in temporary workers from the expeditions themselves.. just an idea


Approved user
May 31, 2016
So then I'll have to build a Home Depot to have access to these temporary workers?!? lol
That'll be at least a 5 x 5 building.

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
I figure if they're POWs they can stay in little 1x1 tents, or even better out in the forrest - problem solved :)