Campaign for the Training blessing to apply to all Airstrip troops!

Green Bird

Approved user
Jun 27, 2017
This campaign needs more of your support! Please like the original post and show your determination to include planes in the training blessing!

Green Bird

Approved user
Jun 27, 2017
Congratulations on the 14th of July to all French players - whether in game or in life. Vive la France, vive la liberté!

And keep supporting this campaign!


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
I have the pentagon, and while it helps, it certainly isn't sufficient to keep up with other troop training. In my opinion, the base training time should just be cut in half by default. From a balance perspective, there's really no need to require 2+ hours to retrain all your aircraft.

Green Bird

Approved user
Jun 27, 2017
Thanks a lot for taking this onboard! We shall be right there with you all the way!


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
The suggestion for a blessing (either new or existing) has been made to the developers. With all of this great feedback, it looks like I'll have to champion this idea much stronger!
Do you need help beating some sense into the developers? :D


Approved user
Jul 22, 2016
Bump up, there has to be a way to accellerate training of planes....and even tactics, but at least there's an idol (almost useles, but anyway). We should be able to to rebuild an entire army in the same time frame....not just barrack troops... especially with all the crashes where you lose evrything!


Approved user
Feb 8, 2017
I agree a plane training blessing would be great to have even if it is a new or added onto the existing blessing. Especially once we have 5 slots or even 6 in cold war. This would be a great bonus :)


Approved user
Apr 12, 2017
Yes, I fully support this. I was going to post this myself, but I'm very glad that a lot of people have already supported this.

On this note something needs to be done about the training times as a whole. It is impossible to play this game without a training blessing at EA and up. I remember the days when I used to login (or be logged in while doing something else) and my army would finish training every 5-10 minutes, I'd then attack an opponent base. I used to spend a lot of time on the game then. Nowadays, I never play without a training blessing. Since I have the training blessing in play, I don't stop to take a break and spend an hour playing the game after which I'm annoyed and turned off to the game. That's not ideal.

I want to be able to spend 15-20 minutes at a time several times a day, instead of a single (or maximum two) hour marathon of battling after which I'm annoyed. I know that they want us to spend crowns to speed up training and/or cider to buy training blessings, but surely this is not a strategy to keep casual players in the game?

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
Agreed. Or at the very least bring back a variant of the half hour training blessing. 2x speed half the time. Hell, have it cost more than the one hour version.

Somewhere along the line they seem to have lost sight that this is a mobile game. From IA and up it's a matter of checking in every 8, 10, 12 days, then trying to scramble around for hours at a time trying to gather resources for your next lengthy upgrade. Filling your storages between builds essentially means you're just gathering resources for others to steal. So there's little point in playing unless you have time to gain more resources in one sitting than you can lose in a few attacks.

And there are going to be (at least two) more ages with ever lengthier and costly builds. Can't wait for the inevitable 500,000 oil upgrades!

But I digress......