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Change DPS in unit/building info screens to damage per hit or shot


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
As the title says.

It is quite useless to show DPS (damage per second) for all buildings or troops in the game which all shoot at various fire rates. Having DPS as the global info would be more useful for comparision if all units and buildings in the game had the same firerate, but that is not the case.

So in the end if you want to know (for example):
How many shots your Anti-tank guns are going to take to kill Heavy Tanks, you'll have to calculate: DPS of your tower multiplied by 3 (every 3 sec it fires, or so I counted). DPS is useless stat here.
How many shots your RPG or HTs/anything will take to destroy buildings (we know exact buildings HP but not exact dmg per shot)... for example to know if you can 1 hit certain buildings upon spawning...
or how much dmg planes are going to do (this is the worst: I don't even know how many seconds/what part of the entire plane run is calculated here as the base for DPS; or if it's actually not DPS on the info screen but the dmg per entire run... or just one of the two shots... totally ambiguous)

etc etc.

All this guessing or calculating wouldn't be necessary if we could just look at the damage done with every shot. Quite simple.

The only exceptions, where DPS is ideal, are machine-gun type of shooters (i.e. Air Defense, Redoubt), here dmg per hit would be useless and DPS should be retained.

(I know I know, this isn't exactly high priority among all the bugs piling up to be fixed... but that's no reason to say no for actual gameplay improvement suggestions..)
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Approved user
Feb 23, 2016
Why do you want to know how many shots are required to destroy a building? Its better to know how many seconds it will take!


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
Why do you want to know how many shots are required to destroy a building? Its better to know how many seconds it will take!

For war planning. The most crucial part of any attack is the first couple of seconds where and what order you drop your troops. If you know how many shots it takes to destroy certain buildings, you can plan better the route your units are going to take at certain moments, when will they reach tower ranges/defense spawning building areas. Or how many shots they take before a defending infantry reaches them. Or or...
And there are many 'seconds' where your units are not firing anyway (walking, buildings killed before next shot, and and...) so your DPS stat will never really be accurate or something that you can calculate and plan with.
Anyway, number of shots to kill buildings is just one of the many examples. Damage per hit (basically, just damage) is simply much more universally useful info to see, as I explained in OP with examples...

The game has already way too many things which we cannot account for when planning war attacks (opponent's museum, uni, library buffs), so at least being precise and transparent about the info we are given about our *own* attack or defense abilites to plan attacks should be pretty given.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
number of shots are much more useful than dps.
to destroy some building with fighters without having them lose a target, do i send 3? 5?
can a commando destroy some building in 1 shot or will it take 2?
can my tank withstand this cannon tower’s next shot or do i need to take some action?

but the museum changes damage and hp for every battle so it probably still wont be very useful


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
Yep. Totally forgot to mention commandos too, that's another one where DPS is just ambiguous as with fighters...

Yeah, museum screws up everything, but at least having a rough idea of how you will deal damage is better than no idea

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
After playing for 3 years I have a good idea how many shots a unit takes to kill or be killed or how many strafes a planes needs to kill a building or unit and I'm guessing most others do also. Yes the museum and Uni can change things and that's always going to be different for each attack but generally I have a good idea of what's happening during a battle. How hard can it be to guess, using your experience?
Besides, who has time to do calculations for each unit during a 2-3 minute battle? Trust your instincts and your experience and adapt to each battle.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
After playing for 3 years I have a good idea how many shots a unit takes to kill or be killed or how many strafes a planes needs to kill a building or unit and I'm guessing most others do also. Yes the museum and Uni can change things and that's always going to be different for each attack but generally I have a good idea of what's happening during a battle. How hard can it be to guess, using your experience?
Besides, who has time to do calculations for each unit during a 2-3 minute battle? Trust your instincts and your experience and adapt to each battle.

There are several things wrong here.

First, nowhere was it mentioned that you need any of this to be able to win / to 'have a good idea' of how things are gonna go. The point is, there is a useless stat (DPS) on the info screen which could be turned into a useful stat that can help you plan your attacks. It's not something necessary to play the game but something that could be improved, simple as that.

Second, when you say 'how hard can it be to guess', you're pointing at exactly what I'm talking about: why the need to guess it if you could plan with it in advance? There are enough things to guess already (museum, uni)
Of course, no one is going to calculate with damages and hitpoints in the middle of the battle. These are things you can do during planning day/leading up to your attacks, and then using your instinct and experience during the battle, as you said. But imo a successful attack is way more dependent on planning than on execution in this game. If you are good at understanding the AI and path layouts, this is really not a difficult game to play. The fun part, for me at least, is in the planning, going over several outcomes, how to penetrate defenses.

And lastly, about your point of 3 years of experience and knowledge: yes, but not all the players have played this game for 3 years..... :p

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I could argue that the 3yrs is just a number, 'repetition' is the key. I'm sure there are players out there that are very good maybe after 7months, or 12 months, or 24months, maybe even only 3 months. Who knows? This is a game, not a thesis on interdimensional quantum realities. :p
If you like planning and strategising, good for you. I just play. :)