dead horse beating


Approved user
Jun 23, 2016
An open letter to the developer and decision makers of Dominations,

I was a huge fan of this game, been playing since Industrial when first become available with 4 active accounts, 2 in Western version and 2 in Asia, 2 of them in CA, 1 in AA, and 1 in IA, 3 are paying accounts. I'm able to play all 4 at once with a setup in Samsung.
Let me get to the point, please pull your heads out of your asses and come to your senses and stop killing this game, not even slowly anymore, it's going downhill really quickly.
- I can tolerate your lack of QA and always screw up something on updates
- I can tolerate your Asia version is crippled and no ads for benefits ir mulyi device support
- I can tolerate your bad WW matching
- I can tolerate you give Macro a bad rep by using him as a used car salesman
- I can tolerate you being bad at math like museum buffs and troop retrain
- I can even tolerate that stupid silo and your money grabbing elephant archers
But the recent staggering buff to defense and buildings really make the game not a fun experience anymore, a total back assward decision that 99% of us never wanted. I think many of us notice the decline of this game by simply we no longer get attacks often when we're offline. I still care about this game or I wouldn't bother to write this post and hope things will turn around soon...


Approved user
May 17, 2018
we all feel the same way. You have no idea how many people said the same things to them the past 2 months!
In my opinion, they should have admitted at some point that they went too far with this rebalance and correct the stats.


Approved user
Sep 29, 2015
Game is broken. BHG/Nexon will probably figure it out eventually. But then it will be too late. I must say, their stupidity is mind blowing. Absolutely mind blowing🤯


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
i'm thinking they had a catch-22 design flaw; conflicting requirements that forced them to do it.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
I thought I should wait till all the rebalances are done, then make the final decision whether quit the game. However, since 6.6 update and introduction of war artefacts, and rather weird way of re-rolling artefact benefits (only one benefit can be re-rolled and the re-roll costs 100 crowns!), I'm decided to quit right now and don't waste any more time with this garbage. It's hopeless. This lotery game is beyond any chance to repair.

I'm going to find a new strategy game. I'd like to thank you Nexon/BHG for the times when I ejoyed Dominations. I also want to thank you for the lesson about how a good game is being transformed into a boring and frustrating P2W garbage. I'll surely find it useful when trying other games and be able to quit right when the first signals appear.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Even if that is the case, surely they have enough thinkers to fix these "problems".... Butcherson had a good point, by the time they realise their faults it'll be too late for this game.