Defense is now useless. The AR fix broke the game.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
its so stupid that they couldnt see this coming.
AR with 120% dps was already op as heck.
and then what do they do? increase the dps boost to more than double what it was.
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Approved user
May 10, 2017
They just need to roll back to the "broken" stats. It was still a very effective tactic but not ridiculously overpowered like it is now. I personally don't mind time wars, but I feel bad for those who have invested heavily in defense.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
What's the point in building up your base defenses when they do stuff like this? It makes the game not fun. I find myself playing other games more because of the constant screw ups by the game designers and programmers. Everything you introduce should at least attempt to be balanced. The SA and AR have completely undone the "rebalance". There's almost no point in upgrading anything except for offense related items. Prove me wrong nexon.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Recipe for 5-starring every base, upgrade heavy tanks, planes and assault tactic. What’s the point upgrading anything else? Nexon just can’t have realised they are gonna lose money this way. No skill involved anymore, It’s almost impossible not to take down any base this way. Why did they bother with rebalances when releasing a tactic that make they game even easier than before? Not to mention the stupidity with p2w...who is gonna spend money on stronghold troops anymore when they are wiped away in an instant. Good job Nexon, good job!

Cris 4321

Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
I agree the game with these overpowered troops or tactics is now broken. Makes a mockery of any defensive player that has spent time and money to put up a challenging defensive base only to have this base taken out in 60-80secs because nexon is unable to fix something without breaking something else or being able to implement a simple coding fix.

my other comments here

Cris 4321

Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
BHG_Muet TinSoldier please see comments above, please also consider some construct to make up for affected alliances that were caught in the middle of these nexon developments that were firstly not communicated at all and secondly created an unfair playing field and distorted the game out of the blue. Thank you


Design Lead
Nov 12, 2018
I touched on Assault Rally lightly in the last dev stream but figured it'd be good to chime in here with an update on our current perception of the tactic.

As I said in the stream, AR was initially performing in-line with other high-performing tactics. While that win rate wasn't initially problematic, it's performance trend over time was something we were watching. It has since become clear that its win rate hadn't plateaued and that players are still experimenting (and getting better) with it.

You can expect changes in the next release. As I hinted to in the stream, we're mostly looking to reallocate the tactic's power away from defense. We're still working through what those changes look like internally so I don't have final values to share. But you can expect AR to transition more into a strategic rally that benefits offensive power. We're in no way looking to "gut" the tactic. It adds strategic depth and fine control over your units that didn't exist previously and we want to preserve that.

Cris 4321

Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
As it was currently launched the tactic is a game changer in that max max max defensive bases that used to be able to defend 1-2 stars across multiple attackers and attack strategies are now easily or routinely being able to be 5starred in 60-90 seconds by high level good (but not super skilled or unique) attackers.

Firstly, i think the player community would have appreciated an exact update on when this would be implemented (rather than discovering this mid through war day like it happened for my alliance). this event in and of itself cost us 1000 glory points.

Second, have there been any other changes or fixes rolled out at the same time or was this the only thing changed? The reason i am asking is to see if indeed you have had a quality control or check before and after the rollout and the tactic does indeed function as you describe above and as you intended. Or was there/ is there a break between the spec or construct you outline above and how it actually was programmed and behaves in live multiplayer or war sessions. Just to make sure this is where you are taking this game ie top paying lev 300+ max defensive bases to be taken out by strong but average attackers and every single war to result in perfect score wars decided exclusively on timer.

for your consideration


Approved user
May 17, 2018
you don't specify if you will leave the Assault rally as it is now, till the update that will change it. This is a huge thing to leave unchanged.


Approved user
May 21, 2017
BHG_Muet the game is not playable after this fix.....its ridiculous. You cant wait until the next release to fix this issue. This needs to be fixed now


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
While you’re at it, why don’t also remove the stronghold completely from the game, making the game less p2w. As it is now it’s just not fun anymore. Those that can’t afford buying EA’s or armored car armies all the time are rapidly leaving. You’ll make enough money anyway with these long upgrades. And for gods sake start banning all cheaters, a good place to start is the top list.


Approved user
Nov 30, 2016
The only positive aspect I see is that this has killed all incentive to upgrade defense. No need to crown défense buildings, no need to craft endlessly for the perfect défense artefact. Perhaps even the museum can be forgotten altogether. Certainly useless to cut 10% hitpoints from overpowered bazookas on steroids and no need to increase your own bazooka guys. One less thing to bother about. Less crowns to buy


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
defenses havent been necessary for a long time, because there are so few people attacking high level bases, I sometimes go days without an inbound and have to constantly ask myself questions like is the heavytank depo really worth the oil to upgrade. I could only imagine it being worse for CWA.

Unless you guys are getting hammered multiple times a day with AR armies I dont see how getting 5starred is a problem, this is a multiplayer game you should expect to have your base destroyed occasionally. If someone wants to burn their tactics on you that's their prerogative, you are free to use the same tactics and army to get revenge.

is AR a little op? Probably, but it's not a war elephant, the tactic is available to everyone. Nothing is preventing you from using it on others


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
As I said in the stream, AR was initially performing in-line with other high-performing tactics. While that win rate wasn't initially problematic, it's performance trend over time was something we were watching. It has since become clear that its win rate hadn't plateaued and that players are still experimenting (and getting better) with it.

are you trying to downplay your mistakes or is this your actual perception of the issue?

AR was not in-line with other tactics, it was op even with the bug causing it to underperform.
the current problem isnt because of players getting better, its because you ‘fixed’ the AR.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
i agree it’s not really an issue on fairness.
but it is an issue on ridiculousness. its kinda like a weaker version of that event where all the fighters had double hp and damage, except this one isnt an event.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Am l understanding this thread? People are calling for a nerf?
Anyone after Global can use it, yes? So, if people are using it against you, can't you use it against others?
l must be missing something.


Approved user
Nov 30, 2016
Not concerned about multi player. Just war. Time wars are back with perfect scores both sides, regardless of défense levels


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
I thought it was funny that the game finally went towards defensive power again when they introduced the rebalance and than they added more defensive upgrades all over but once they introduced assault rally we all knew how much of a game changer (Or breaker) it would be and the fact that the upgraded levels actually had problems kept it somewhat in check. Now that they fixed it, we are seeing what we kind of knew what was going to be the case. Basically everything in the last few months went out the door. It's basically back to whoever wants to use more (And more expensive) troop cards to get the better time will win. Not to say my base is the best but its maxed on most CWA items. I just got taken out by a global player using 4 bazooka troop cards and max assault rally. I did have one lvl 7 egyptian but what was the point it wouldn't have saved me to have 3D but luckily it took over 3 mins so we can make it up on time.