Design Spotlight Questions! (August)


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
I feel sorry for the poor sound designer. No one listens to his sounds because cs told us to turn off our sounds. Maybe they should have him work on other things like say... Eliminating the crashes. Just a thought 😎

Prodigal Clint

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
This post is just... so perfect in its own way... Do the developers actually PLAY the game? Posts such as these, with the new set of bugs released with every new update, make me seriosuly question whether they do play. Assuming they do, to be this out of touch with your customer base... i mean just the timing alone, to post this right now so soon after days of unplayability over the weekend (whatever server issues), not to mention the glory/matchmaking algorithm borrowed from a remedial pre-algebra book.... uuuuuugh


Approved user
May 26, 2016
Ty John for making the effort to appease us, but the majority of the questions u answered I've never seen asked/complained/brought up...ever.

All of S_How's concerns/questions r legit and have been echoed here for months (Glory) to over a year (connection issues). I would add to S_How's post:

8) Tactic times r ridiculous, r u guys looking into this? It takes (without the blessing) over 1/6th of a day for 6 tactics to b made...really?

9) With the University and now S.A.M. defense u have made air units much weaker (1 lvl1 S.A.M. can kill all Zeps not upgraded to a bomber...ridiculous). Will u readjust air? Any tactic for air units? Any blessing to speed up the production of air units?

I am sure there's a ton of more questions/concerns, we appreciate the effort, but next time u do a Q & A at least let the forum know so we can continue to ask the questions u guys obviously don't want to answer. ;0)


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
This post is just... so perfect in its own way... Do the developers actually PLAY the game? Posts such as these, with the new set of bugs released with every new update, make me seriosuly question whether they do play. Assuming they do, to be this out of touch with your customer base... i mean just the timing alone, to post this right now so soon after days of unplayability over the weekend (whatever server issues), not to mention the glory/matchmaking algorithm borrowed from a remedial pre-algebra book.... uuuuuugh

Yeah as a customer I actually am finding it hard to not be honestly offended by this Q&A. Even after re reading it, it feels even worse. They may as well have added 11) favorite flavor of ice cream? and 12) boxers or briefs? Would have provided very similar value as most the rest lol :(

So many people have been waiting so patiently for so many answers on the forums for weeks if not months and to see this post is just a monumental disappointment from this players perspective lol :/

Prodigal Clint

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
I mean, how many times have people @NB4_powerup regarding the numerous game breaking issues, yet not a single response of relevance in months.. and this is what we get.. questions about sound/music, which i forgot even existed due to CS always recommending to turn it off just to make the game work properly.. its a sad sad state of customer support @Nexon

how about... "i really think we need diversity in our hunting and gathering, are there any future plans to add muskrats to the dominations universe wildlife?"
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Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Music and sounds are off - if you read the support notes they even suggest it!!!


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Lol and the most important follow up to that question... How many workers does it take to kill the muskrat?

This Q&A really is a slap in the face. We are seriously trying to help make this game better and this is the way they treat us? I am so disappointed it's beyond words. I wonder if they are all laughing at us at the mothership.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I am staggered too.. obviously they don't read this forum at all and are completely out of touch with the issues important to the people who play their game.

The only issues and real requests they touched on were the armoury (nothing specific has been decided); donating resources; and mock battles.

They have completely ignored crashes; war matchmaking; crashes; war stalemates; crashes; alliance searching; crashes; and rebalancing offense and defense.


Approved user
Jun 22, 2015
The summary of all your replies is "it is being discussed but no decision yet"!! I know why. Because now your main concern is Atomic age you don't like to spend your time on everything else unless it was a simple to implement issue BUT believe us we don't want the new age for the new year. Our main concerns (two majors which are repeated my many players) are war reply and doing multiple research at the armory. You have the code for the university (the most useless building for me which is working just as a piece of wall now), you can use the same code for armory too to help us to expedite the upgrades.
Regarding what you have done with embassy and university I am almost sure that the Expedition will also be a boring feature. Instead of wasting your time on building numerous boring toys just focus on fixing our major requests. If you need more money give us what we want and we will pay for that but if the game continue this way, me and definitely many others will quit like many other games which I have quit before.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Clearly these questions were chosen by someone running for some election somewhere. They were safe, politically correct, non-flammatory (except where they incensed this community by their uselessness), inoffensive, easy to answer - and totally ignored the most pressing issues.

Well done President Hawkins!!


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
But don't forget - Nb4powerup can still pass on feedback about game sales/deals - so this is not a total loss!! Right, right ??!


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
1) Actual players on the forum keep asking for an official response to questions about bugs, design flaws, cheating, and other matters I'd prefer not to discuss. Is there someone who will lob softball questions that I can then fail to answer in any definite way?
We have looked into finding some compliant shills, but nothing has been decided yet.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Or more like 'Team, we'll have a Q&A this month, get 10 questions and answers ready for me' - they over did it and got 11.