Design Spotlight - WW Leaderboards and more!


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Hard to keep track of these little comments... :) Yeah, I was trying to represent the entire UA family since no other really frequent these forums. I shouldn't have tried since I didn't know every little detail of the match in question. It's nearly impossible to keep up with everything on LINE. It is not uncommon with 1000-2000 messages per day. It is nuts. :)


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Okay, I've now asked why recent "civil wars" between UA1 and 2 were much closer compared to the last.... People had been shuffled around between both to make the wars as even as possible. The wars had been used to expose base weaknesses. All attacks recorded and shared. But when glory was about to go live, it was made sure that all UA hard-hitters were back in UA1.

Prodigal Clint

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
seems oddly coincedental that in the first 70 wars you only met each other once,.... just once,,, yet since glory was announced you have met 3 times already in the past couple of weeks .. and all of a sudden a dramatic shift in outcome... additionally, if you put all the high level players into UA1, surprised it matched you two...
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Approved user
Feb 15, 2016
I'm also not really impressed that a perfect war tie with max destruction results in no glory for anyone, even 50% or some kind of split would be better, especially given the amount of time and effort that goes into orchestrating these things! It seems like a punishment for everyone doing well.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
Regarding United Allies organizing wars with their sister alliances, I don't blame them, they're just being smart and exploiting the system to go top of the leaderboard as others did in their days.
What I have a problem with is their multiple accounts belonging to one person. I do spend more time than I should just to be able to keep up with the upgrades for one level 170 account. I can accept some really have a lot of time and or money on their hands and have 2 global age accounts. But 3, 4, or more, now I find it hard to believe it can be done in a legit way or that anyone would spend that much money on the game.
I agree with Dannemare that checking the IP addresses to find out how many actual different players are part of an alliance would be a great way to dissipate those doubts.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
I disagree jmemira. in chess when the world's #1 plays #2, if there's a draw they hardly gain or lose any points, so it's fair enough.
On the other hand both alliances should get a full loot in such eventualities.
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Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
So where are all theese players whitch were rooting for bigger glory for bigger wars??? Harder to manage bla bla bla.. look at the top alliances now! Some allys are runing wars with 20 classical age players and have top ranks at the moment. War size should matter, but not like so heavy as it is now. Make a seperate divisions.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Did I miss something? lol. Looks to me like all the top allis are doing 35-45 person wars. I know the #3 is because we played them 2 of our first 3 wars at 40v40. They are awesome, lost the first time 198-200, hoping for a better outcome this time. Large wars should be rewarded so much more than the mini classical battles you are talking about. Btw, where are these 20 person classical alliances, I dont see any?


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
I could be wrong Europeos, but it will still allow them to stay ranked 1/2 in chess when they draw, right? In this case if the current 1st and 2nd teams on glory leaderboards played each other and consistently had draws they would eventually be out of the top 100.

Anyhow, not sure its a very good comparison. For what its worth I strongly advocate either partial points being rewarded for max score ties, or a third level of tiebreaker being introduced so they dont exist to begin with :)


Approved user
May 14, 2015
What brings so much confusion about WW leaderboard is that one should expect the top of the LB to be crowded with alliance full of global ages players, not medieval or classical (it's the name of the game after all, Dominate other players and alliance, mainly by technological advantage). But currently, it's all mixed up. To me their are 2 possible paths:

a) I'm fine having those alliances with half global / half classical taking their chance at making the top of the leaderboard. But then, they should face the risk to face full global alliances each time they push the search button, otherwise it's too easy to game the system. This is not the case today due to a matchmaking based on average level.


b) Have different leagues (much more complicated to implement but the most interesting). The top teams, like the uncontested top-1 (without multiple accounts) Korea Army and smtg like 20 top-notch alliances (1st dynasty, 50, DW, USA Elite...) are seeking to fight the very best/advanced alliances. Not interested in fighting sparring partners every other day. (It's not meant to be rude; it's true reality: those beasts want to DOMINATE other beasts, not kitties).


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
S how, eventually teams at the very top hardly will get any glory from wars unless they go to war against others with very high glory and will lose massive glory from defeats. So it won't be a problem not to win any glory for a war or two.

Sound of Silence

Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
What is USA Elite R? Is this an alliance? I was trying to look for it, but could not find it. Maybe I am getting mixed up with the R and circle. I also tried searching in the top 100 alliances, but could not find USA Elite R there either...
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Sound of Silence

Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Sorry, tried to post this the other day, but I guess it did not go through....sorry if it gets double posted.

I was curious as to what USA Elite R is? I was thinking it is an alliance, but I could not find it in the alliance search. Maybe because I have the R with a circle wrong? Also, I tried looking it up in the top 100 alliances, but did not see it there. I see it has a registered trademark, so maybe it is another game? I dunno, just curious.


Approved user
Jul 17, 2016
Clearly War Leaderboard does NOT represent best war alliances in the game. I could probably beat Stankness (USA Dankness) by myself. Potential Glory needs to include bonus glory for higher lv. wars, also stalemates should be 40% of glory to each team or a tie-breaker should be determined.


Approved user
Jul 17, 2016
Yes USA Elite is an alliance. They put the R there themselves. They are old news. Join a real alliance like Korea Army or United Allies. They are the 2 actual best, I use to play with KA, but now I'm with Korea Union which is great also.


Approved user
Jul 17, 2016
Sorry, answered your question on new post, yes they are an alliance....