Different Types/Styles of War Strategies?


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for a little help and guidance. Our alliance currently is using the "mirrored" (-5) strategy. This seemed to be working really well for awhile and now it seems like it is starting to fall apart. We have alliance members who are either completely over matched or just do not have the experience to attack their mirrored base.

I am curious what other types of strategies are out there being implemented. My fear is that if I tell my alliance that we are going to a "free for all" style - that something like my #12 base player will attack the enemy #30 base player which to me seems unfair to our lower level players as they are now forced to attack a base higher than them.

My alliance is a very casual group and my goal as the leader is to make sure everyone is having fun and it seems like our current strategy is doing the opposite. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Alliance and War is the glue that holds this game together and the tools we are given, especially alliance leaders are sadly lacking and no mention in the latest Q&A that there is anything on the horizon.

Leaving aside actual war match making, once you're in a war there are no tools supplied to make a battle plan other than the simple Mirror, Free for all or mirror the first attack/free for all cleanup.

Nexon's ranking/position of allies leaves a lot to be desired most of the time - IA base but still with gunpowder troops ranks above maxed out EA. So the mirror attack is very hit & miss.

Unless you are prepared to spend hours building Excel spreadsheets, scrutinising bases, getting other allies to talk to you, getting everyone on Line/GroupChat or similar - I can't be bothered and no doubt most others can't either.

The entire Alliance part of the game is a farce considering it's 2016 (and still full of bugs 18months after release) and Alliances are THE core component, but we will see more University Leaders and jolly hols for workers before anything is done I expect - top questions to developers include not enough stuff to spend $109.99 on and more sound effects.

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
hi SeeFive One pretty typical strategy is to have your top 2 or 3 players take the top 4 or 6 bases and have everyone else attack 2 or 3 bases below their mirror. Another one is to assign teams - top 5 take out top 10 bases, next 5 players take 11-20 etc... It does really help to use LINE or Ryver to create a team page and have a leader or co-leader make a war plan. Good luck!


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Thanks for the advise! We've had some dialogue in our chat previously about setting up a team system. Maybe this is something we will need to revisit. I agree with you that a 3rd party communication tool is key to success (used Hangouts and Slack while playing Ingress). The in game comms are terrible and makes it difficult to plan things out. Thanks again!


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
If you have teams, you might want to build in some buffer. Say you have teams of four; team 1 should take on bases 1 to 6, team 2 bases 7 to 12, and team 3 bases 13 to 18. After that everyone can hit 6 lower than their base number. If your teams do well and have left-over attacks, they can clean up. Also, your team 1 should be your best 4 attackers, which is not necessarily the same as your top 4 bases.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Thanks! I will also take this into consideration. I really like your comment about assembling "Team 1" as the top attackers/performers and not base that on base numbers. These are awesome suggestions!


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Essentially you need to coordinate with an external chat app. Line is good and used by lots of team. Each war, one of our concile is dedicated to draw the match plan. Conciles in our alliance are knowing strenghts and weaknesses of all members, their prefered attacking style, the levels of their units/tactics/generals/coalition and build the match plan accordingly. It's not unusual to see our #14 attacking their #6 (and vice versa) for instance. We Target a perfect score each war.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
free for all for us. but with one conditiont, player must look for the strongest available player, where he sees a 5 star. and some coordination between players before attacking top 10 (if we get a strong opponent). after a two-three months of ww release it started to work. we are using this strategy from the begining of the world wars. do not getting a perfect scores constantly, but 1-2 wars of 5 we are there or missing a star or two. and in the end it does not matter that our no 15 attacks their 25. you can attack a base as many times as you want anyway. most important is a 5 star, and from witch player attack it will count does not matter ar all.


Approved user
Jan 10, 2016
At BOSS HOGGS we too faced your problem we changed our strategy to a 3 4, or, 5 down depending on the war size. In a 20 war our top 4 take the top 8 bases and 5 attacks 9, etc. Our bottom 4 still hit their mirrors. We encourage the bottom 4 especially to try and take out their bottom 4 by using both attacks quickly, that way we know which bottom bases need to be cleaned. It's been quite successful for us since we made the change.


Approved user
Jan 10, 2016
Round 2 of course is for maximizing stars and we begin that at the 12 hour mark...if u continuously remind newbies of the strat thru in game email and chat we've found there is no need for an external chat app


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Norcaltone - Thanks for the info! Our next couple of wars we've are going to experiment with different strategies. I have a feeling that we'll end up keeping our mirrored minus 5 format or develop some sort of hybrid like your comment suggests.

Our alliance is young but a core of us broke off of another alliance where our leader and co-leader went MIA. So we are trying to find our groove and I am trying to take a diplomatic approach to everyone's suggestions as we have members who prefer the mirrored approach and others that prefer the free for all approach.

This is my first time leading a clan/alliance and I myself am trying to find my groove. :)



Approved user
Jan 10, 2016
I became leader when our leader quit too and the most important thing in wars is consistency. Make a strategy ad expect everyone to follow it and if they don't have consequences. If guys don't do both attacks they sit the next war out, if they do it repeatedly we just might boot them. Good luck in your efforts.


Approved user
Jul 7, 2016
The 3rd party communication system at least keeps the message viewable for years, where as the alliance chat causes an important message to get pushed down and outa sight before an offline member logs on and views chat.

Just be advised some members may not want, see, or understand why such add ons are necessary.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Glacier - Completely agree with your statement that some people might not want it or understand a third part app. I had some fun recently in our chat / inbox and in lieu of the upcoming election here in the States - I offered up some "Proposals" for my alliance to vote on and unfortunately getting the alliance to use a third party chat app didn't make the cut. Many players wanted to stay anonymous and were concerned that would go away. I know there are chat apps out there where you don't need to provide personal information - but since it got voted down - I will not pursue it. As mentioned before - I try to keep a diplomatic approach to my alliance.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
We are always attacking the weakest base with all our attacks (sometimes not all our members do both their attacks, lazy bastards). We usually get 5 stars from each attack, but there is a bug probably in the game, that not all stars won by this method are calculated towards the total. Last time we lost 99-5 although we had 145 stars accumulated.


Approved user
Jul 7, 2016
Voting is a very good way to run an alliance ;-]

We use an app that doesn't put our personal stuff out there, it allows each account to have a screen name as a viewable entity which inturn allows everyone to know exactly whos who.

No worries as it was all just ideas to try and help other enjoy the game.

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Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
You attack the weakest base ??! Sandbagger!!!

Just kidding!!! (please don't ban me Nb4)


Approved user
Jul 7, 2016
Lmao, 99-5 with 145 stars on ally battle report, smh. Now thats funny! I know you were just funning right, I know y'all hit more than one base as an Alliance right? 0.0


Approved user
Sep 4, 2016
We use either mirror, -1 or -2. The latter being 2 below your oppo. This works very well and we maintain 80% win rate. Second attacks are used to mop up any fails or no shows. I run a tight team and remove peeps that miss war.