"DomiNation Cebu" is looking for recruits!


Approved user
Apr 24, 2015
Good day all, my name is Densho from the alliance Domination Cebu. We are based in Cebu City, Philippines but anyone is welcome to join! We are a casual alliance and will work to help each other achieve our in-game goals. As more features are implemented in the game I hope the alliance grows into a strong, cohesive team. We are currently 4 members and we are happy to have more aboard! There are currently no medal requirements or anything of that nature. We are still on the low level side and we understand that everyone has a life outside the game, no commitments needed! The only rule in the clan is, help a friend in need!

*please UNCHECK "clean language only" in alliance search as this hinders you from finding the clan.

I hope to see you guys in-game :)