Dream teams ... A new trend?


Approved user
May 14, 2015
It was stated in this forum by nb4 or whoever it was. And nexon rep this forum always provided correct information, afaik.


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
At later Ages he will go down .

Seeing as tank depot upgrade costs 7 mil gold , and one wall piece 3 or 4 mil gold it is natural.
Two wall pieces won't impact your rating as much as upgrade of defenders from cuirassiers to tanks. Even upgrading 4 or 10 of walls won't

Some upgrades as Bunkers or upgrade from Stables to Tank Depot have very huge impact on your war rank.
Why is that ?

Upgrade 1 Stable (availble cuirassiers to be spawned at the same time on map from 1 Stable ammount to 30 troop space) to Tank Depots (avalble tanks on map at the same time from 1 Tank Depots ammounts to 40 troop space) and you have huge defensive boost of 10 troop space more from one Tank Depot.
Upgrade 3 of them and you get 30 worth of troop space more. With range of 3 , not 1 as cuirassiers had.
Build one bunker and you can have 50, or 48 troop space (depending on if you have library research that decreases Htank troop space by 1) of worth of troops on map at the same time since bunker can spawn max 2 of Htanks.
Garisson upgrade at IA has more impact than upgrading walls too.
Because your defenders spawning from them get more by 0,5 range .
It isn't much maybe, but they can shoot attackers through walls and that means their survivability is better,and that has huge impact in your base defending power.

Hope you get what I'm hinting.
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Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
Tactics and Strategies forums , topic started by IronAngel "World Wars: Matchmaking"


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Thanks for confirming this... I really do think it is a trend and we will see more of it in the future. One of the teams we faced is moving up the leaderboard so we may even see them knock off some of the Sandbaggers as well.


Approved user
Mar 20, 2016
Some of the things you said are very interesting and insightful. However, without a doubt it is generals that weight the most in war rankings. And I doubt if walls, as you said, weight that much in war ranking.
What do you say about economic buildings, say farms for example, which are maxed out against farms that are level 2 or 3 because of their huge difference in hitpoints?


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
I say that economical buildings don't increase your war rank because they are not related to ofensive or defensive powers.

And even if they do , than only by a little .
Difference in hp of farms looks like this:
Lvl 1 - 800 hp
Lvl 16 - 2300 hp

How much of a difference in your war rank will this 1500 hp more make when upgrading one wall from lvl 3 to lvl 4 gives you 2400 hp more, and upgrade of one wall piece from lvl 7 to 8 gives over 4000 hp more?


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
Till lvl 7 at least walls have huge impact at your war rank, that's because:
1 They are cheap to do till lvl 8 and you can upgrade them really fast
2 They don't have any time needed for upgrade , and that means , taht you waiting for upgrades and free workers having at least 1 worker free will invest in walls all your gold so that you won't be looted
That's why even if each wall adds only a little to war rank your war rank will skyrocket thanks to upgrading them since irrevelant of Age you need to wait for each upgrade fixed time (longer with each upgrade) and till let's say your Stable gets upgraded to Tank depot you will be able to upgrade at least couple of walls when you need to wait 10 days for an upgrade to finish and workers to be free


Approved user
Sep 25, 2016
In our alliance we have compared bases that are otherwise identical besides the economic buildings, and the ones with higher economic buildings are ranked higher. The FAQ may say the are not counted, and they may not have been counted originally, but they are definitely counted now.

This it's because the hitpoints to the economic buildings increases, hence their base becomes harder to attack. Building hitpoints are accounted for regardless of whether it's economic or military.


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
This it's because the hitpoints to the economic buildings increases, hence their base becomes harder to attack. Building hitpoints are accounted for regardless of whether it's economic or military.

It maybe increases but not by horrendously high ammount.

As I stated above - how much impact does economical upgrade which gives 1000 hp have on war rank when one wall piece upgrade gives twice as much?

What has much greater impact is connecting buildings to tc with road, since each building connected gives some % of hp more for tc , but that's regardless of the building lvl.

The only economical building which has impact at war rank is in my opinion the road (which ain't really building) which gives you more hp for tc with each upgrade of the road
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Approved user
Sep 25, 2016
I agree, the statement was that there were nearly identical Bases (as far as upgrades) and the player who had more economic upgrades, was ranked higher. Even of it's miniscule, in that scenario, more got points is still more hit points.

But overall I agree that there are other factors that create a muck larger hit point gap.


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
I agree, the statement was that there were nearly identical Bases (as far as upgrades) and the player who had more economic upgrades, was ranked higher. Even of it's miniscule, in that scenario, more got points is still more hit points.

But overall I agree that there are other factors that create a muck larger hit point gap.

The problem is that you don't know how much University upgrades he did have , and Uni upgrades weight more on war rank .

Do 5 lvls of mortar damage research at Uni beeing GPA , and all your mortars have same dps as IA ones without Uni upgrades , and that's what weights on your rank a ton really


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
No, Ju. I have no proof at all, it's just based on my experienced in the game. That and the fact Cs have got their facts about the game wrong in the past, like donated British infantry not having the extra range..


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
In that case walls don't weight so much as defenses , true .

i was speaking overall , not having specific Age in mind


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
I don't see levels having anything to do with matchmaking. Our current war has a level 176 as their number 4 and their number 3 is 154. I don't know where the levels are coming into play here.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Sheldore i guess WW matchmaking tries to match u with ab equal average lvl alliance as much as possible
If ur opponent has very high lvl bases + very low lvl bases their average lvl can match them with u so thats not strange