• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Eureka! - Week Ahead 3/4


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,
This week we take a look at some of what the next Season, Swift & Stalwart, will be changing! Plus, we’re introducing more potent Episode Passes by offering specific types of rewards in each pass. There are even discounts this week for leveling up your Museum Artifacts. You can find all that and more in the Week Ahead!

Season 7 Preview
Does slow and steady win the race? Find out in Season 7: Swift & Stalwart! Prepare for extreme damage output from Armored Cars & Ranged Infantry while trading off a large amount of movement speed. Also, watch pridefully as your Towers decimate attackers by firing slightly weaker projectiles twice as fast!

This Season will start on 03/10 at 15:00 UTC and will end on 05/26 at 15:00 UTC.

New Offensive Strategies!
  • Ranged Infantry Damage +50%
  • Ranged Infantry Movement Speed -40%
  • Armored Car Damage +75%
  • Armored Car Hitpoints +75%
  • Armored Car Movement Speed -75%
New Defensive Strategies!
  • Tower Fire Rate +100%
  • Tower Damage -40%
  • Spike Trap Damage REDACTED
Special Unit Bonuses:
  • Nobunaga Damage +50%
  • Petra Hererra Damage +50%
  • Propaganda Directive Damage Boost REDACTED
  • Surveillance Directive Duration +30%
  • Miyamoto Musashi Damage +50%
  • Nodachi Attack Speed +50%
  • Nodachi Hitpoints +50%
  • Humvee Range REDACTED
  • Nighthawk Hitpoints REDACTED
  • Nighthawk Hangar Hitpoints REDACTED
Additional Bonuses:
  • Alliance Law Donation Oil Cost -50%
  • All Aircraft Train Time REDACTED
  • Space Needle Research Decrease +100%
  • Eiffel Tower Peace Treaty Cooldown -3 Days
Season 7 Pass pt 1
The first Season Pass will be available starting 3/7 and, as always, will be filled with Troop Tactics that are boosted for the season. You’ll find Nodachi Samurai and Miyamoto Musashi Troop Tactics for Free.

The free tier also includes a Season 7 Chest; this season’s chest includes chances at the Bazooka Tower and Nighthawk Hangar Buildings. It’ll also have chances at the Gemini 8 Helmet Legendary Artifact!

Picking up the Premium version of the pass gets you more season boosted Troop Tactics but also includes a Nighthawk Hanger. You’ll also acquire Humvee and Nighthawk Troop Tactics!

Those who can rank within the Top 100 on this Global Leaderboard can expect to see the Creighton Abrams Tank Commander Kit Legendary Artifact!

Episodes 3/7 - 3/14
We’re trying something new with our Episodes, each will now have focused rewards instead of giving a large variety of reward types. This week is a great example as the Plane Assault pass is chock full of Plane related Troop Tactics. You’ll have multiple choices and will easily be able to distinguish the types of rewards to expect from each episode.

Plane Assault
You can expect to obtain an entire battalion's worth of Plane related Troop Tactics for free! From Red Baron, P-40 Warhawk, P-51 Redtail, to even the FA-18 Hornet. If you pick up the Premium pass, you’ll get Recon Planes, Sepecat Jaguars, 12h SpeedUps, and more!

Crown Boost Campaign
This pass will get you both Premium and Superior Recruitments for free. Picking up the Premium pass will get you up to 6500 crowns alongside Legendary Recruitments.

Albert Einstein Episode
The Albert Einstein Episode gives a mix of rewards for free. You can expect AT-4 Bazooka, AVRE Tank, Ontos Tank, and more Troop Tactics on the free tier. Picking up the Premium Pass will get you chances at the Helgö Buddha Legendary Artifact through a chest and even more Legendary Artifact opportunities with the Heavy Tank Legendary Artifact Chest on this tier. You’ll even find a set of 5d SpeedUps on the Premium tier!


Women of Nasa 3/3 - 3/10
This week is our Women of NASA Event!

The enormously complex equations that made spaceflight possible had to be calculated by hand in the pre-digital era. At NASA and its precursor NACA, this job fell to a group of brilliant women mathematicians. Particularly instrumental were a group of African-American women known as the West Computers. At one time underappreciated and discriminated against, their invaluable contributions have only recently come to light.

Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!

25% off the following building upgrades:
• Embassy
• Air Defense
• Tower
• Parliament

50% off on all of Sally Ride’s University skills!

King Tut’s Tomb 3/5 - 3/12
In 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the entrance to the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb had been lost for centuries, preserving a massive trove of ancient artifacts. Along with the famous funerary mask and solid gold coffin, Carter’s team found thrones, weapons, musical instruments, jewelry, an alabaster chalice, and a dagger made of meteoric iron. This massive collection of artifacts still travels the world as a museum exhibition and has ensured King Tut’s place in history!

Leveling Up Museum Artifacts costs 20% less Blueprints and 20% less resources for a limited time!

Legendary Step-Ups 3/4 - 3/11
This week chances at the Enigma Machine Legendary Artifact will be available through Chests. If you complete each step in the step-up sale, you’ll get the Legendary Artifact Guaranteed!

Then there's the Leoni Parade Shield Step-up; each step will grant you a chest that gives you a chance at the Legendary Artifact!
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
Space Needle Research Decrease +100%
Space needle decreases research by 10% (11% with the library research). Getting it to 100% means that all research will be instant? sorry, i don't understand it

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Space needle decreases research by 10% (11% with the library research). Getting it to 100% means that all research will be instant? sorry, i don't understand it
Doesn't '100% increase' mean double? So if the standard boost is 10% then the new boost would be 20%.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2019
  • Ranged Infantry Damage +50%
  • Ranged Infantry Movement Speed -40%
  • Armored Car Damage +75%
  • Armored Car Hitpoints +75%
  • Armored Car Movement Speed -75%
a. Do these buffs apply to troop tactics?
b. Do the ranged infantry buffs apply to the ranged infantry that are spawned from houses?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
But the first word is written Decrease, so if it were 20% it would just be written, 100% of 10% or 20%, what do you think about it?
I think that's exactly what they mean . The space needle gives a 'decrease in time', this is a boost to the decrease.
Maybe they could've written it a bit clearer.


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
King Tut should be active now, apologies for the delay.


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
a. Do these buffs apply to troop tactics?
b. Do the ranged infantry buffs apply to the ranged infantry that are spawned from houses?
Troop Tactic buffs are listed under "Special Unit Bonuses". The ranged infantry buffs do NOT apply to the ranged infantry spawned from houses.

To answer those questioning the Space Needle, this does mean 20% research time reduction rather than the normal 10%.

(Edit: A correction here, Defensive ranged infantry will not receive these buffs, it is strictly an offensive bonus.)
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Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
does the "nodachi" buffs apply to japanese unique barrack unit?
Because this is listed under the "Special Unit Bonuses" it applies to the Troop Tactic version of the Nodachi Samurai, not the Gunpowder version of the unique unit for those that are using the Japanese nation for their base.