• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Feedback 8th anniversary


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I would like to send my feedback to the BHG team working on DomiNations.

At first I want to emphasize that communication for releases and updates is improving.
Harlems is doing a good job of outreach and you've implemented videos for some releases. The video quality still has a lot to improve, but it's a step in the right direction. Keep going and get better.

While the communication work that Harlems is doing in news releases is very welcome, the forum still needs more attention in user posts. The forum moderator needs to be more present.

I also see a greater number of events as advertised as a positive point. These events generate an additional stimulus for players to meet goals and receive rewards. However the events are repetitive. No news about the missions that must be accomplished. I believe there is room to find new challenges to be offered to players as well as room for improvement in rewards. I repeat, a greater number of events is very welcome, but its dynamics have been repetitive, without news and with rewards not so stimulating.
What I have to offer as a suggestion is the implementation of new types of missions such as:
- Carry out XX mergers on the Board;
- Achieve 5-star wins XX times against an equal or greater age;
- Place your base for friendly challenge;
- Perform XX attacks in friendly challenges;
- Collect XX fragments in multiplayer battles;
- Hunt XX Bears;
- Use XX times the rally in MP or WW battles;

Anyway... somehow diversify the goals.

Rewards should also be improved, both free rewards and for paying event pass rewards.
Accelerators of 30 minutes or 1 hour have no relevance for players who have reached or surpassed the Industrial Age. Offering 1 or 2 types of NTGs when a war is needed in some cases up to 60 NTGs is an absolutely meager reward. Offering troops that can be trained in a barracks, factory or airport runway is an insult.
Rewards Coalitions instead of specific NTGs, Troop Tactics instead of just Troops, more robust accelerators, some crowns for non-paying players, packs with more advisors instead of 1 pack with 0.1% of getting a quality advisor rare.
For paying players, the rewards are usually good, but not enough to justify the prices charged.

About troop stat changes and troop tactics in seasons I already gave my feedback as very positive, but the changes need to be even better.
In this last event the changes in the generals do not animate. Changes to Heavy Tanks do not change how bad they are at attacking. It was possible to notice only a small change for the defense. The Impi Army was the only real and exciting change.

Now I must point out very positive points for some changes like the "Additional Bonuses":
• Daily Video Retrain +1
• War Artifact Crafting Odds +50%
• Alliance Speedup Base Increase +5 Minutes
• Alliance XP per War Battle Victory +3
• Daily Free Counselor Packs +1
All of these changes have had some positive impact, although "War Artifact Crafting Odds 50%" isn't exactly what we're looking for. Perhaps offering greater chances of artifacts with better percentages on attributes will have a much more exciting impact on players.

Marco Polo....
I thought rewards for advertiser videos would be better. The only improvement was the Premium Advisor package... the other rewards seem to have gone downhill. How about randomizing all existing troop tactics instead of a dozen of them? I was excited when I saw a Khan as a reward, but then everything went back to normal or worse than it was before.

About buying advisor packs for crowns... I was one of the unfortunate ones who spent crowns on impulse. What a huge frustration to spend 750 kroner for 11 advisers of unusual quality. Then another 750 crowns for another 11 of the same.
If I have this frustration of spending 750 crowns a few times to buy packs that only brought me unusual advisors, do you know when I and others will spend crowns when the pack sells for 3000 crowns? Never!
The percentage odds of getting top advisors is a sick joke. You need to review these percentages.

Sorry if there are incomprehensible things. I'm using google translator.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Perhaps offering greater chances of artifacts with better percentages on attributes will have a much more exciting impact on players.
Well said - translator or not.
I agree with everything and this one point specifically. I saw a legendary artifact with 2 lines at 6% and 3 lines at 1%.
Really - 1%? What's so legendary about that??


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Well said @Rafar . If only BHG would actually care and implement some of our/your suggestions.
The first and most important step in improving ANYTHING, is accepting it has flaws. BHG is not doing that and therefore is not improving . We, the old time players see the game much different from what they see.