Feedback on nations and wonder and nation changing


Approved user
Aug 27, 2015
Greeks: I really enjoy their troop. The nation bonuson the other hand seems very useless and doesn't really make sense. It says something like "Focus on economy" and "Better Architecture" Instead of refunding a percent of the cost and skipping 20 minutes (plus 5 minutes per age) for free why not just give them a small percent more from farms and caravans + roads (better economy makes sense) and plus building health (better architecture makes sense). To be honest refund gives very little and I almost never get to use the free skip 20 minutes to upgrade (I am not gonna stare at this game for 3 days just to make use of it lol) because upgrades take like 2+ days.

Japanese: The troop looks nice more damage so they can tear through buildings faster. The nation bonus, the town center falls off later on in the game. but it is still helpful, the increased peace treaties is useless as since this nation doesn't recieve any economic bonuses you will have to attack more if you want to upgrade faster (which I do) and break that treaty, Even then it seems to only give a few extra hours and if you have a good base layout (this may just be a general thing) but I rarely ever get attacked and most of the time it is people having a go at my farms or killing my towncenter then losing all of their troops to defending forces and buildings (farming base so towncenter is exposed) so I rarely get peace treaties. The towncenter is alright keep that but instead of the useless peace treaties (a few extra hours of peace is only a few extra resources earnt safely and you can get more from attacking anyway) just give them plus building hp and damage ("Mighty Defences" makes sense).

Germans: Troop is just like the Japanese except they look like vikings-fancy musketeers (i prefer the japanese look but functionality is the same). The nation bonus is underrated but it does pale in comparison to the Romans in my opinion. The decreased rally cooldown and increased duration come in handy when you want to take down those catapults/mortars ASAP, you do have to get wins to use the other bonus which is a damage boost but it isn't hard to get a win (the extra damage on their special troops already tear builings faster no they will do it even better).

Romans: Currently the best in my opinion and by a longshot. The special troop has more hp than normal heavy infantry so they can tank catapult/mortar hits more and they heal more from the war tactic (percent health heal). The extra troop percent just gets better and better tha more you upgrade your troop capacity. Strength in numbers, you have either more heavy infantry destroying buildings or have more cavalry tanking hits and distracting defenses for your other troops or more ranged infantry taking out defenders (or a combination of all of those things). This game rewards players who are more offensive (more medals and upgade faster) and this currently provides the best offensive nation bonus.

I don't see a way to improve other nations to be equal in terms of usefulness as the Romans, except for the Greeks and the Japanese. With what the developers seemed to want these nations to be (Greeks = Better architecture and economy, Japanese = Mighty Defenses) I reckon they should be buffed (as described in the paragraphs in this post). So that they are the more defensive nations for players who want to farm/rank up by protecting their base rather than being an offesive power house.

A couple of questions:
Would it be possible to have garrisons/stables deploy your special troops (or would that be too op) and if so so that the nations that don't have special heavy cavalry/heavy infantry don't miss out would you guys consider a building that deploy ranged infantry for defense?
Would it also be possible to hire mercenaries for defense (or would that be too op)?
Why don't we get to keep our alliance troops if they survive and we win? I get why with mercenaries(we paid them for a job, they did their job and their off), but in context, whoever sent the alliance troops stationed those troops with the reieving party's army. They wouldn't just disappear or go AWOL what happens to them. It probably isn't like they were ordered to aid you once and go back to who sent them because if they survive a defense they stay with you and also the guy who sent them doesn't get those troops back.

Also I feel like the cost to switch wonders and nations is really high (and it should be) at 600 crowns. But I do feel that it is way too much making it scale up
(a scaling pattern of 600 to 1000 so I think it goes up by 400 crowns each time? Unless it works with percentages) with each change. I think you guys should keep it
at 600 crowns because it is already super hard to make it from 600 crowns to 0 the "free to play" style. This may even increase the demand for crowns and prove more profitable to you
Then people will want to buy more crowns as it is more worth the money since they can use it to try different nation and wonders without worrying about their choice since
it doesn't scale up to become super expensive.

Anyway similar posts containing similar content have probably been done before but this is just my opinion and feedback
(will probably get flamed as I always get flamed in forums but I don care). This game overall I really enjoy it. The graphics are kind
of grainy compared to Clash of Clans that doesn't matter as it is still astaethically pleasing (i appreciate the more serious look and feel rather than
the typical comical/goofy alternative from other games which are good too). This game is really a lot different and has
a lot of potential. While it is missing a lot of aspects that are standard for its kind(mobile strategy) such as the ability to share replays,
alliance wars, ability to reset account (too late for me I have spent too much time getting to gunpowder age), all chat (all of which will probably be added in the future)
and the problems of Romans being marginally better than the rest and some nation bonuses being very useless (Greeks and Japanese), Dominations has really brought
a lot of new content to the table (also you get to keep your surviving troops if you win) such as mercenaries, defending troops that don't come from your alliance,
a couple of unique troops and buildings of their own, etc. I like to think that it can potentially bring this gaming genre to a whole new level.
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Approved user
Sep 12, 2015
This game has great potential and is already on key. Things are well balanced. Listening to this guy and others I've seen post ideas are a great consideration for future updates.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
Chinese is also outclassed by a longshot by british or korea. French is better than romans once you hit enlightment age. As for the cost for nations, would be neat, but it's a ploy to earn cash. Buying more diamonds...most players loot those off of players and league boats, also don't forget overpriced buy instant upgrade popup costs!


Approved user
May 2, 2015
apparently, once you get to EA, the only nation worth playing is France because of the way their bonus works with the TB. this is because there is no way to take out all defenses on maxed out bases, so you'll have to rebuild your army after ever battle, and France does it 97% faster than everyone else.


Approved user
Aug 27, 2015
Oops, I didn't mean buy diamonds(the trade goods), I meant buy crowns edited the post to make sense lol (confused the currency with another games).