Feedback Thread: Alliance Tools

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Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
Original post here:

  • World War Statistics that include how many stars each member has achieved, success rate etc.
  • Making the World War Report cleaner/neat, If Fred attacked Bob, I want it to read 3.Fred Attacked 4.Bob... With all these Chinese names, it's difficult to see if people are attacking high/low. We need to at-least see numbers/ranks, would make life much easier as an Alliance Owner of 48 people.
  • The ability to deploy troops faster, I use 80 foot troops, and by the time I'm done with one type of troops to set up my plan of attack my guys are already dying... It should definitely drop troops much faster than is does now.. Makes it difficult to be strategic.
  • When donating troops to players in the clan, you should get a "Re-Train" button, like you do when you donate to war base.
  • See who donates War Troops... My members have an issue with giving lvl 1 troops, and it absolutely hurts us!
  • Have the availability to open a screen to edit/remove War Troops, that way we can get rid of the low levels given to us. Unfortunately it's hard to control unless we know who does it.
  • Force-Unavailable members in your Alliance... Some of my buddies have an issue with coming on to opt-out, and some people are just plain stupid; they opt in, then never ever attack. So I want there to be some sort of button (LEADER-ONLY) that allows me to opt people out.. I really don't want to have to kick them, and my members don't know better who to opt-in or opt-out, so they start wars with everyone who's opted in...
  • Share Replays, and the availability to watch War Attacks.. Would definitely help Leaders find out who's trying and we can help out newer players with strategies. -(@Tjekkers)
  • The "Battles" Tab in World War needs to be reversed..(New attacks appear first). Otherwise, right now you have to scroll to see the latest. -(@Tjekkers)
  • When clicking on someone's War-Base to Scout, we should be able to see their level somewhere on the screen, would make scouting easier.
  • When kicking someone, have it pop up with a dialogue "Reason For Kicking". That way I can explain why they're kicked so they may choose to come back etc.
  • Giving the Leaders of the Alliance the ability to delete chat. Maybe a small x to the top right of chats.. When people come in and advertise clans etc. Would be helpful, otherwise we have to spam the chat to get rid of unwanted text.
  • When sending a clan message, add the person who sent it, sometimes my coleaders send messages, and sometimes I don't want the people to think it was me.
  • There also needs to be an World War Leaderboard. We could see who the best teams are and what rank yours is in. Maybe have tier brackets and you could matched up against alliances in your tier? -(@MisterMaxx)
  • Also adding a world war general who could assign targets for everyone or choose to let the game pick targets. Grant extra loot if the alliance wins, for manually picking out targets. Maybe enforcing players to only attack the enemy picked out by the war general. -(@MisterMaxx)
  • The ability to drop a certain Mercenary troop. I accidentally do certain Merc. troops by accident.
  • When viewing a World War base, show in the bottom right or left attack info like, "Palmer has gotten 3 stars on this base"etc. I'm sure you could be more creative; at the moment we have to exit out and make sure it wasn't attacked etc. Just a convenience update, nothing big.
  • The ability to trade goods easier, more efficiently. -(@Makrow)
  • The ability to cancel a Rally call, while still losing it until cooldown is over, sometimes you just mis-click or change your mind and your troops get massacred. -(@Makrow)
  • The ability to customize the Attack Bar/Unit Bar. It is difficult with multiple troops+tactics etc to have to scroll to find something you need while troops are dying... -(@Makrow)
  • Doing more with the Harbor and Boats, would be nice to have them used in the battle, as it plays a huge part in history too, from cannons on boats to Airstrips on boats today. -(@Makrow)
  • The ability to PIN a post to the top of the chat, highlighted. I have no real way to keep pressing matters to the clan without repeating myself 20 times in the glitched chat. Being able to PIN an important post would be helpful.
  • Some sort of "Leader" "Co-Leader" "Member" etc.. Next to someone's name in really small print or adding it somewhere else. Or maybe simply changing the leader's name in red when he talks, co-leaders can have an orange name, not their text, just their name when chatting. Something to be able to distinguish between people chatting. It's really hard to decipher who is in charge etc.
  • A single button to collect all outstanding resources...-(@Dag)
  • On the citizens button, you click to get a list of what all your people are doing and how long they will take to finish...this list should be ordered in ascending order in terms of time until finished.. -(@Dag)
  • When your troops are attacking a wall to get inside a base, and there is a lvl 2 wall, and a lvl 8 wall side-by-side. The troop should attack the lvl 2 wall; I guess the suggestion is to add common sense to the troop's attacking sometimes unless specified to a wall by rally.
  • The ability to message members individually; I hate calling members out in clan messages.
  • The ability to leave "Sticky Notes" to War Bases, or War Notes telling members how to attack a certain base/strategies.-@Eddie F1
  • The ability to move your base layouts in the Editor screen, drag/move them.-@JesseH
Bugs/glitches/issues etc:
  • When scouting or attacking in public matches/World War you get kicked from the game, it force-closes. (STILL DOES THIS EVEN AFTER RECENT UPDATE)
  • The World War line-ups need to be looked into, there are Gunpowder ages ranked #28 in our war, lvl 80s, then a Medieval age lvl 43 ranked at #22... And the gunpowder guy is nearly maxed out..
  • When you enter a message in the chat and then log off, most of the messages disappear... Even if you come back 30 seconds later your message usually always disappears, and sometimes it only takes you to attack someone after sending a message, same thing happens... Chat is really buggy.
  • The troops donated to war bases should count towards the "Troops donated" and "Lifetime troops donated" count. -@Flash
similar (my) post here:

As leader of SLOVAKIA 2016 alliance ( ) I have some tips for game improvements that all players will love , especially alliance leaders :)

1. Make world war battles reports / replays - defend and attack as messages ( make more message count history buffer as it is now )
2. In world war global map leader / co-leaders can check/uncheck players who can donate troops in global map defend bases.
2. Make accessible Donation notice in world war global map about who donated troops to your war base ( defend donate ) as message in inbox or so. Now it is unknow donater....
3. World war chat between fighting alliances in global map
4. Some message board in world War where leader can write some text about donating, attacking and alliance rules about world war... at least 200 words... :)
5. Rework alliance message limit for only 3 messages ( new message always delete oldest alliance message ) make it at least 20
6. Maybe some info about alliance member world war status least 10 world wars back info about member participation in world wars...attack ussages(1/2,0/2,2/2), own war base defend success, stars and % earned in attacks,....
7. Rework donation notice about who donated troops to you in multiplayer ( now is info only few seconds....make it 24hours or so long ( maybe near donated troops )
8. Add info about alliance member in alliance gate member list about their age status ( medieval, gunpowder,...).
9. World war history reports about at least 5-10 alliance world wars.
10. Possibility to check,view alliance members world bases at any time , not onli in planning day/ war day
11. Possibility to add ( part of a world war loot , automated/manual payment from each alliance member every week(maybe manual trigger 1-5% that can leader switch between) or 1-5% from alliance players multiplayer battles) resources ( maybe crowns too ) to alliance "treasury" and from there leader can make donations for best attacking players or players that make top troops world war donations to global world war map.
12.If I have 4x lvl10 generals, which one is the best that server automatic choose ( which criteria ? HP, dmg? ... ) to auto-defend my world warbase? Maybe there could be a manual choice for player to choose one or two ( after discovering in library ) generals and let player swhitch which one from his generals is best.
13. Add option/button in attack screen to "unleash hell" that spawn all active remaining units at once in that point at battlefield. Or befor battle starts ( 30sec cooldown befor battle timer starts ) check witch soldiers will by marked as active for that all-in-one unleash button.
So if I have 143 soldiers 40 pikeman , 40 longbowm. 3x Heavy cavalry and 5 ballistas. I can mark as active group of all 40 pikeman and 40 longbowm. and with one button spawn them to a desired location on battlefield. and after that again I can mark as active for unlesh all remaining group of 3x Heavy cavalry and 5x ballistas with one button.
Because ever on a powerfull mobile phones sometimes it slightly freeze after a first spawned troop and it take some time to spawn 50-70 units of the same type.and that time is "sometime" crucial for battle result or strategy of planned tactics.
14.Maybe Alliance Hero attack support in battles like in your another game Legion of Heroes.After alliance member A start attack, in chat pop up button to participate with another alliance players B,C that can click it and they ( pl. B,C ) will support member A in their attack with their active general.Every player only one general. and max of 2 alliance online members can participate in that battle. After battle they ( pl. B,C ) will be rewardet with some ? resources,one crown,? according of their damage dealed with their supporting generals in that battle.
I know there is a alliance gate with alliance army support, but this "on the fly" helping make the game more powerfull and more players will play it :) FOR SURE! :)))
15.Sharing an attacks/defend replays in alliance chat
16.Private chat, message,email between players
17.Some market between alliance players? or just server market with fixed exchange ratio. that make a resources trade/exchange 1000 gold for 2000 food so ratio 1:2
18.options that remove war troops donations in global map ( when *** players cant read a donation text and donate low lvl troops ) -(@Merle0004)
19. In base editor make option to move entire whole base as one part -(@JesseH)
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