Friendly battles between allies to improve defense and attack


Approved user
Dec 18, 2015
It's somewhat frustrating whenever trying to reposition/revamp the bases(both nornal and World War bases) in order to improve it, as one wouldn't know how well defended the bases are till the next attack an enemy does. Most of the time I do it, I try to do it theorotically well defended, then the next thing I know would be being attacked and lost the battle and the loots.
I suggest that alliance members can have military drills, which is quite common in the modern world between allies or within the state itself, among themselves on a 1 vs 1 basis. It can be initiated via an invitation/requst, like donating troops but could be initiated by either party. The drilling would let the defending party see how their base fair to attacking troops, while the attacking party could see how effective their troops and tactics(I'm not referring to the Tactics purchasable in the game only, but the way troops and other boost products(ie Tactics, allied troops, etc) are organized and deployed in battle) are without suffering lost. It may work like how the World War works with some adjustments to suit in this aim, that medals are not counted in it, no loots be awarded to any of the winning party, all sorts of boost(ie allied troops, Tactics and Blessings, etc) are allowed, no restrictions of opponent as long as both allies agree. No benefits should be given, except to have a glimpse of how strong the defending base/attacking allies are, to prevent allies become (real) enemies, and at the same time help allies, especially the lower level allies, to develop better defensive layouts and to increase its ability of dealing when attacking. Replay should be available to all allies, so all could improve together.