Game bugs- after update, multiple issues noted


Approved user
Jun 5, 2015
Since the latest update, my alliance has noted a complete difference on gameplay. In addition, there seems to be additional issues, I will address them below:

Raiding successfully for 5 stars or even 4 stars become a next to impossible.No matter the troop combination, blessings, tactics, or player level, all units are eliminated.
Personally, I am at gunpowder with Nodachi samurais, knights, crossbowmen, wall breaker, and supply cart. Even when using the protect tactic, armor blessing and weapon blessing and a general, I cannot successfully attack even a medieval which before the update I was able to achieve 5 stars. I have resorted to guerrilla tactics, only able to attack cities with town centers outside the walls and spending rest of raid dropping units on opposite sides of town to attack whatever resource building I can to pay off resources spent on attack. The game has begun boring since whatever defensive/offensive rebalancing was done.

Noticed that the units go around the building before even beginning to attack. This is most notable in samurais and this adds a toll as the time spent going around the building to attack minimizes the effectiveness of the attack. Why dont the similar units attack stacked from the nearest spot they are located in.

Cavalry raiders always take the most ineffective routes to collect resources. This unit has two purposes, collect resources and avoid getting hit. However, when using this unit, it picks the most dangerous position to commence attacking. ie, if the outer part of a farm is away from the radius of a defensive building, why would it got the inside of the farm leaving it open for attack and losing the units within seconds. This unit should have logic to keep it itself away from the most harm and attack furthest away from defensive buildings.

Why do they wait until a unit attacks before they switch their target. These units should have a built in radius so if any defensive unit gets within range gets attacked (still getting stuck at walls) and protect itself or other units that depend on the archers to keep them safe. Instead these units do not provide any protection to each other or their army. Their main purpose should be attack defensive units FIRST.

Supply carts:
Supply carts should always be seeking protection and should have some logis that makes them move to a safe location when they sense danger. This unit takes half an hour to build, and Im pretty sure the real life medics of the past would have sought refuge by moving themselves close to their armies.

These units are designed to attack defenses first, which they do, however, on all occasions I have noticed they will spend their time hacking a wall to get to defensive building on the other side of a wall, when another defensive building inside the wall they are in attacks them relentlessly. If these troops were to take the most efficient route, they would be attacking the nearest defensive building that they don not need to go through a wall first.

Defensive units:
Another behavior noticed is for the defensive units. when viewing replyas, the units completely ignore the nearest attackers and instead go to a predefined location before turning around to attack.
This makes them go through all offensive units getting hacked along the way and dying before they serve any usefulness.

Wiseman goals:
I am in the gunposder age, however, one of my recent challenges is to upgrade an Oil well. Why would I have this challenge?