Getting the ship in right direction


Approved user
Mar 30, 2015
It feels like Nexon is giving an ice cream to a kid and then takes the ice cream back before getting the chance of tasting it.

I'd like to point out certain things that might benefit both the players and the company.
First of all, everytime you change a nation the crown price increases. I think that the price should always be the same, personally i'd like to change nations every now and then so i can enjoy the game in different variants and not having to be stuck using only 1 nation, it really takes the fun out of the game.

I'd like to change to british nation when ever i feel like having full +1 increased range with muskeeters or change to germans to be able to use rally point more often and maybe change to french just for the heck of it, or what ever nation just so i can try something new with out having to worry that the price of changing nations will get to high.
That way people will be wanting to pay extra 10 bucks to enjoy the game.

Second of all, you need decent beta testers so we dont have to put up with the balance change so players knows what they should focus and spend time or money on first, that way we will know what we should prioritize.

Last but not least, fix the AI issue, if the AI issue isnt getting fixed because of the company wanting people to buy crowns then put one AD once a day and not more then one, nobody likes games that bombs with ads, but one add a day wont kill anyone, atleast that should solve the money issue.

Brown Bear

Approved user
Jul 18, 2015
This, sums up all our problems, the fact is, they should have released ai improvements WITH the cav nerf, that would be good. Hope the debs read this post.


Approved user
Mar 30, 2015
Sorry for the double post, but we should also be allowed to see what the other nation troop stats are so all the players can know what their getting into. People will probably refer me to the wiki but the wiki doesnt have all the info of the troops in each age or nation.


Apr 9, 2015
When I am at 1300 medals, each 2nd base I find is a max wall base, I'll never pay in this game again before I am max out or they clean it well. They can nerf attack to the ground, I don't care, new good games are coming. I know that the vast majority of those are cheat bases, hack bases, bases they delivered billions of crowns by themselves to, etc. 1% may be legit. They destroyed competitive gameplay and now trying fixing it with brutal imbalanced decisions. Cheaters enjoyed Industrial age content for weeks and two months before legit players. Why guerrillas should take twice longer to build now? Was it OP unit taking 15 slots? I can't use a healer because of 30 mins waiting time. Even on training blessing it's 7 mins. Too long. Do they think players will speed up to get it? No, they'll use it less. HC nerf is another reduction of game variety. Look at blizzard nerfs. They analyze community voices, and explain their nerfs. These guys are writing 'enjoy twice more gattlings' lol while it's just twice longer waiting for the same dps/hp. Enjoy refunds, folks.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
When I am at 1300 medals, each 2nd base I find is a max wall base, I'll never pay in this game again before I am max out or they clean it well. They can nerf attack to the ground, I don't care, new good games are coming. I know that the vast majority of those are cheat bases, hack bases, bases they delivered billions of crowns by themselves to, etc. 1% may be legit. They destroyed competitive gameplay and now trying fixing it with brutal imbalanced decisions. Cheaters enjoyed Industrial age content for weeks and two months before legit players. Why guerrillas should take twice longer to build now? Was it OP unit taking 15 slots? I can't use a healer because of 30 mins waiting time. Even on training blessing it's 7 mins. Too long. Do they think players will speed up to get it? No, they'll use it less. HC nerf is another reduction of game variety. Look at blizzard nerfs. They analyze community voices, and explain their nerfs. These guys are writing 'enjoy twice more gattlings' lol while it's just twice longer waiting for the same dps/hp. Enjoy refunds, folks.

That's the whole point. They want you to pay for Crowns to speed things up. It is just business.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
I cant release a game and expect to start making big $ immediatelt. U need a fully functional game(social features, friends lists, alliance wars) with not broken AI. Medal count that matters for more than league bonus which gives reaources and nothig else which is useless for the maxed out players who would normally pay money to stay #1 in pvp. Get the fundamentals worki g first. Let word of mouth build the playerbase up....then ull find the addicted players who will pay thousands a month to be #1....releasing a game and immediately slammimg the playerbase looking for $ just kills game after game after game in this genre